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Lynn Hardy

Led by a series of dreams and encouraged by friends, Lynn Hardy began the journey to become an author. She stored her work in a computer file labeled “second job.” Writing began as a passion she could not contain and has become much more than she ever expected.

Lynn has attended many science fiction conventions and has had the privilege of serving on panels about writing. Renaissance fairs are another favorite event for the author. Seeing others dressed in costume (as she always is during book signings) makes her feel right at home.

The real shock came at a chance meeting in a videogame store in 2008. It took several meetings before she realized JR was a CEO and Hippocrit Games was offering her a contract: they were not just making small talk about what a great videogame her book would make. Hippocrit plans to launch their new company with the release of Prophecy of the Flame, the live action videogame, in Fall 2010.

In reality, Lynn is overcome with compassion for families who are suffering through the recession and so she has created Agape Assistance. Knowing that times are hard for everyone, Lynn wants to give back to those who join Agape Assistance in providing shelter for families who are homeless. Buying Book One will provide a book for you and a bed for them. 100% of the proceeds from Prophecy of the Flame: Book One go to Agape Assistance. (

Lynn is now a stay-at-home mother of two. The road has been longer and more complicated than she would have ever guessed--not always smooth, but filled with wonderful surprises. Like most stories, Lynn is sure that her journey has only just begun.

“Every good book should take you to a brand new world: enjoy the journey!”
Lynn Hardy
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