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Lynn Mullican

“One lone wolf sat onthe other side of the offender, licking his chops.“Yeah, you know we don’t discriminate around here. We likedark meat, white meat, red meat, even yellow meat,” the wolf said,staring up at the bartender. “It’s all good stuff.”
Lynn Mullican
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“I'm a little of both and not quite all of the other. I'm a part of the world and not enough of the universe. There is no Heaven without Hell and there is no Hell without a Heaven. God and the Devil resides in all of us. It's up to us to plan our future and it's the choices we make in life that help to determine that future." - Lynn Mullican”
Lynn Mullican
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“You know, it’s dangerous to touch me like that.” He gazeddown into my eyes.“You didn’t seem to mind.”“That’s because I can control myself better than others. You havea date with danger or something?”That was an understatement. It was more like death.”
Lynn Mullican
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“What is it?” He stood naked before me, his hands still on his hips.My curiosity arose. “Why didn’t you kill me?”“Is that what you want? Because if it is, I can take care of that foryou.”
Lynn Mullican
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