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Lynne Marie

Lynne Marie grew up in South Carolina and has lived and worked in the coastal region with her husband for over 30 years. She started writing in the mid-1990s and states that she was inspired to write these novels. And while, at most times, inspiration is a small tickle in the back of your conscious or unconscious mind as you go about your daily life, hers was not like that at all. It was a wake you up from a vivid dream in the middle of the night demand. Lynne said, "I ask you--how do you say NO to that?" So came into being the opening scene of Lion's Lair. But with no formal training in creative writing and a family to raise, the learning curve and the uncounted hours of research took years. She soon discovered that she loved what she refers to as "spike history"--a brief time span, usually five years or less, in a very localized setting.

In Lynne's spare time, she enjoys working on large and small projects in a type of faux stained glass. She also loves to cook, especially Southern comfort foods, and has recently started collecting orchids. Some bloom, some haven't yet, but they all like the muggy summer heat a lot more than she does!

If you wish to learn more about Lynne Marie, please visit her website at:

“Like the bumblebee, no one told me that I couldn't, so I did!”
Lynne Marie
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