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Lynne McTaggart

“Svatko je potencijalni Frankenstein, s nevjero­jatnom moći mijenjanja živog svijeta oko sebe. Na kraju, koliko nas odašilje uglavnom pozitivne misli?”
Lynne McTaggart
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“Living consciousness somehow is the influence that turn the possibility of something into something real..The most essential ingredient in creating our universe is the consciousness that observe it. ”
Lynne McTaggart
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“People can not be separated from their environment. Living consciousness is not an isolated unit. Human consciousness is increasing the order of the rest of the world and has an incredible power to heal ourselves and the world: in a certain sense we make the world as such, as we wish.”
Lynne McTaggart
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“The modern man has become a machine for survival, which is largely the result of work of chemicals and genetic codes.”
Lynne McTaggart
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“Some of the epidemic may overwhelm society as a physical expression of energy hysteria.”
Lynne McTaggart
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“The excitement that science possess is its ability to answer the big questions.”
Lynne McTaggart
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