M photo


"M" is a pseudonym used by four different authors.

* "M" is the pseudonym of the author of Death Note: L, Change the World in honor of the pseudonym used by the character "L".

* "M" is the anonymous author of The Sensuous Man.

* "M" is the poet of Blue. From the publisher's website: "The author of "Blue" has been writing poetry and short stories since a young age. The stories come from dreams and the poetry from life itself. The authors outlook on the world is that every living human being spends their life searching for themselves and the meaning of life. Through our journey we must remember that we are all filled with so many emotions and our lives with so much confusion and even more obstacles but through all this there is a release and comfort we can find in writing, reading and sharing what we all experience and feel through the struggles we face in life."

* "M" is the pseudonym of the author of For the Love. Whenever M is not traveling for work she lives in Northern California. For the Love of Music is her first book. In her free time M loves to travel, explore new restaurants, taste new wines and cook and entertain for friends and family. M loves music, in particular rock and eighties.

“Lies, Betrayal, and Infidelity are like having a million red ants on you.It starts off with a sting and ends with bites that eat away at you painfully and slowly until there is no more of you left.”
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“life is not as easy as you think it is”
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“We're allowed to go on living happy, healthy lives because tens of thousands of animals like this chimp sacrifice their lives. But all people do is kill and hate and do whatever they please. I guess they forgot that nature is what keeps us all alive.”
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“If you carry out this plan, I will kill you. You will be-" L took a step forward- "executed!"Then he handed the woman a lollipop.”
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“Was it a strain so heavy that L's back curved under all its weight? Was it an agony so terrible as to leave the indelible dark circles around his eyes? Was it a feeling so bitter that every bite he took needed to be coated in sugar? The chronically rounded shoulders, the inevitable dark circles, the eccentric tastes--L suppressed the pain of being a champion of justice, but the evidence of the pain was molded into his very body.”
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“vne zavisimosti ot nashikh s toboy zavisimostey”
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“مؤلـــم ان تكون بأقصى حالات "الاحتياج" وتبكي بصمـــت ، لكي لا يشعر بـــك من تحتاجه ، و الأكثر "ايلامـــا" ان تجـــرح نفسك بضحكات وهمية ، و تقـــول "انني بخيـــر" في الوقت الذي ، لاتشعـــر فيه بأي معنى للخير”
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“Oh gosh. I mean, I love Saxon. Yes I do. *slaps forehead* *runs fingers despairingly through hair*”
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