M. Latimer-Ridley photo

M. Latimer-Ridley

Latimer (Karen) and Ridley (Rachel) are two eccentric best friends with far too many obsessions and a frightening addiction to tea. They love reading stories filled with magic, passion and adventure.

A writing duo for many years, they've always dreamed of sharing their imaginary worlds and quirky characters with others.

While they live in Ireland, they would love to spend their lives travelling the world. But for now, they can be found happily wandering the internet.

We love to read really good books and make new friends, so don't hesitate to add us to your friends list, especially if we have the same great tastes! :)

“But, it’s not what they think of you that matters, it’s what you think of yourself. If I’d said something mean to them, I wouldn't like myself very much.”
M. Latimer-Ridley
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