Madalyn Murray O'Hair photo

Madalyn Murray O'Hair

Madalyn Murray O'Hair (April 13, 1919 – September 29, 1995) was an American activist supporting atheism and separation of church and state. She is best remembered for her 1963 landmark case Murray v. Curlett, in which the US Supreme Court ruled in her favor, outlawing forced prayer and Bible reading in the public schools of America. In 1963, she founded American Atheists and served as its president until 1986, after which her son Jon Garth Murray succeeded her. She created the first issues of American Atheist Magazine. Life magazine dubbed her "The Most Hated Woman in America."

“Two hands working can do more than a thousand clasped in prayer.”
Madalyn Murray O'Hair
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“An atheist believes that a hospital should be built instead of a church. An atheist believes that deed must be done instead of prayer said.An atheist strives for involvement in life and not escape into death. He wants disease conquered, poverty vanished, war eliminated.”
Madalyn Murray O'Hair
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“This religion gives you goals which are outside of reality. It enriches your fantasy life with ugliness. It fills you with ideas of guilt over the most common human experiences -- usually related to sex. In this room, right now, each of you, in your own lives, has agonized over the fact that you have masturbated. Masturbation isn't sinful. If it feels good -- do it. You have my blessing, and you yourself know how it relaxes you.”
Madalyn Murray O'Hair
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