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Madeleine Beckett

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Twitter: @colorofbeckett

Email: [email protected]

Madeleine Beckett is a born and bred Hoosier who still lives in Indy with her hunky high school sweetheart, gorgeous son, and house full of yapping dogs.

Maddie’s love of books came at an early age. Her parents were evil and deprived her of a television; therefore, books became her obsession. She found that she could curl up with someone’s words and be exported to another world; places dreamed up from the most creative imaginations. She could be a princess, ride a broom, jettison to the moon. Anything was possible when she held a collection of words in her hands.

As a child, she dreamed of becoming a famous author. She secretly hid a notebook under her twin bed and every night, she would put ink to paper, wishing desperately to write stories of fairies and far away lands with perfect Prince Charming’s and never-ending happily ever afters. But all she ended up with were doodles scribbled across a page.

Many years later, that old desire resurrected itself again and one day she touched fingertips to a keyboard and a story was born. She found her love and passion that day and has typed so many words since then that she’s blown up three laptops and has smoke coming out of her fourth.

Maddie loves laughing, hot pink lipstick, and Krispy Kreme donuts. She once, on a dare, ate an entire dozen in one sitting.

She's so thankful that she has beautiful people that read her words. They mean the world to her.

“I didn't know you were such a caveman.""I'm a damn contractor. Of course I'm a fucking caveman.”
Madeleine Beckett
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“It's because he's an asshole. Asshole brains don't work the same as ours do. Too much brown sludge.”
Madeleine Beckett
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“I never cheated. Always remember that. I wasn't with her until after we broke up.""You did cheat. You cheated with your heart. And to me that's a million times worse.”
Madeleine Beckett
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