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Madeleine Urban

Madeleine Urban is a down-home Kentucky girl who’s been writing since she could hold a crayon. Although she has written and published on her own, she truly excels when writing with co-authors. She lives with her husband, who is very supportive of her work, and two canine kids who only allow her to hug them when she has food. She wants to live at Disney World, the home of fairy dust, because she believes that with hard work, a little luck, and beloved family and friends, dreams really can come true.

Visit Madeleine's blog at You can contact her at [email protected].

Listen to Madeleine interviewed by Peter Godbold on the Strictly Confidential Radio Show


Nov. 17, 2011 - I have made the personal decision to stop writing, for reasons that are important to me, including focusing on my family and my health. Writing and publishing comes with a whole set of expectations and pressures, and I find that it's just too much. While I am sad that this will upset and/or even anger readers, this is the right decision for me.

Abigail Roux will be continuing the Ty and Zane series, and I know she'll do a great job.

“It was a pretty common reaction when someone lost a person they loved; to close off and try to refuse to care or let anyone close. The bitch of it was that there was no way to guard against losing again and again.”
Madeleine Urban
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“You make me absolutely fucking crazy,” he said thickly. “Hate to break it to you, but I think you were there long before I came along,”
Madeleine Urban
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“Are you getting hysterical?” Ty asked eagerly. “Can I smack you?”
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“This dudes nuttier than squirrel shit." -Ty Henderson”
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“Friends are just family you get to pick out.”
Madeleine Urban
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“Julian paced restlessly in the hospital room, his overcoat and scarf trailing behind him like a supervillian's cape as he prowled.”
Madeleine Urban
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“It just made me realize that I wouldn’t have anything if you left,” he said miserably. Jake gave a pained wince and looked down at the floor. “I wouldn’t have anything if I left, either,” he murmured.”
Madeleine Urban
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“The pessimist says, ‘It can’t get any worse!’ And the optimist replies, ‘Oh yes it can!”
Madeleine Urban
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“Promise you’ll scream for me tonight.”
Madeleine Urban
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“You’re easily distracted, aren’t you?” Ty deadpanned.“Not really,” Zane said smoothly, dragging one hand down Ty’schest. “I’m still focused on you.”
Madeleine Urban
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“More bungalow-type setups. Rent by the week. Artsy places,” Zaneexplained. “It’s different.”“Do I look like an artsy type to you?” Ty asked, bristling on principle.It didn’t even faze Zane. “You look like sex on legs to me. You’llblend in, no problem.”
Madeleine Urban
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“Tease,” Ty accused softly.“Do I have your attention now?” Zane drawled.“You never lost it,” Ty responded before thinking better of it.”
Madeleine Urban
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“Zane didn’t reply immediately. After a short pause he spoke quietly.“I’ll warn you, I’m going to be grouchy as my back really starts hurting.”“And I’ll be on the lookout for that major change of attitude,” Tyresponded sarcastically.”
Madeleine Urban
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“You’re just a big softy,” he taunted. “The last person said that to me got Viagra in his coffee next morning,” Ty warned seriously.”
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“So, Rule Number One, apparently, was that he wasn’t allowed to crack a smile during foreplay. “Got it”
Madeleine Urban
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“Ty." Zane's even, soothing tones finally broke on the short gasp of his name. "I Love you and I'm scared I'll lose you. Please don't leave me alone in the dark.”
Madeleine Urban
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“Dinner later. My house. Bring clothes for the weekend, ’cause you won’t be making it home.” Ty didn’t say another word, just turned and headed for the elevator at a stroll, shrugging into his overcoat as he went. Zane watched him go, enjoying the sight. “Score,” he said under his breath before he grabbed his phone and keys and hurried to follow.”
Madeleine Urban
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“Zane’s good hand flashed out and smacked Ty upside the back of thehead.“Ow! What the hell?” Ty cried as he rubbed his head and huffed.“You’re lucky I repress the Instakill for you,” he muttered.”
Madeleine Urban
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“Rolling his eyes, Zane got on the elevator once the door opened.“You know, at first I was insulted by the way you treat me. Then I realizedit’s not personal; you treat everyone like shit. I find it doesn’t bother me alltoo much anymore,” he said.“Usually I only don’t bother people I want to see naked,” Ty told himseriously as the elevator rose. “So stop it. You’re freaking me out.”
Madeleine Urban
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