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Madeline Sheehan

“You respect women, you little fuckin' shit. It was a fuckin' woman who carried you around in her fuckin' body, fuckin' birthed you, and fuckin' lovedyou. And it's gonna be a woman who keeps you warm at night, who lets you inside her body, and it's gonna be a woman who carries around your fuckin' children. You fuckin' respect that, you feel me? You fuckin' respect women— all of ‘em— or I will end you.”
Madeline Sheehan
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“There are three different types of men in this world: There are weak men- men who run and hide when life slaps them in the ass. Then, there are men- men who have a backbone, yet occasionally, then life slapps them in the ass, will rely on others. And then, there are real men- men who don't cry or complain, who don't just have a backbone, then are the backbone. Men who make their own decisions and live with the consequences and who accept responsiblity for their actions or words. Men who, when life slaps them in the ass, slap back and move on.”
Madeline Sheehan
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“I am Preachers little girl. And I'm gonna be just like him when I grow up. I'm gonna have a Fatboy but I want mine to be sparkly and I want a pink helmet with skulls on it. And instead of being the club President, I'm gonna be the club Queen cuz I'm gonna marry the biggest, scariest biker in the whole world and he's gonna let me do whatever I want because he's gonna love me like crazy.”
Madeline Sheehan
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“You didn’t look at Xan and think, “Gosh, I want to make love to him” or “Wouldn’t it be nice to have some sex with that guy”. No. You took one look at Xan and you fell to your quivering knees, thinking, “Holy shit, I need that man to fuck me.”
Madeline Sheehan
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“The world won’t end with a bang.The world won’t end with a whimper.In fact, the world won’t end at all.But it will change and if we refuse to change with it…It will be us that ends.”
Madeline Sheehan
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“It wasn’t easy. Nothing worth doing ever is.And love is worth everything.”
Madeline Sheehan
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“Dad?" "Yeah?" "She the reason you’re pissed off all the time?" "Yeah." "She the reason you left mom?" "Yeah." "You love her?" "Yeah." There was a long pause. "Cool." "…yeah." "Dad?" "Jesus, Cage.  What?" "Does this mean I can have at Miranda?" Christ. "Yeah, you fuckin' hornball.  Have at it." "Cool.”
Madeline Sheehan
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“Mark Twain said, “The two most important days in your life is the day you were born and the day you find out why”I don't remember the day I was born but I remember the day I found out why.His name was Deuce.He was my “why”.And this is our story.It is not a pretty one. Some parts of it are downright ugly.But it’s ours.And because I believe everything happens for a reason, I wouldn’t change a thing”
Madeline Sheehan
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“Listen to me agent c***,"...”
Madeline Sheehan
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“You don't otta like someone to like fuckin' 'em. You can even hate their fuckin' guts and still like fuckin' 'em. Sometime's that's the best kinda fuckin'. Angry, crazy, fucked up, fuckin'...”
Madeline Sheehan
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“Cox shrugged. "if that's what it takes to get laid, then I'm a fuckinin'poet. Other times I'm a fuckin' accountant. Or a plumber. Sometime's a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.”
Madeline Sheehan
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“There it is, darlin',"He said softly, his lips curling slowly in a sexy grin. "Nothin'like seein' a pretty girl gettin' all fired up.”
Madeline Sheehan
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“There are weak men; men who run and hide when life slaps them in the ass. Then there are men; men who have a backbone yet occasionally, when life slaps them in the ass, will rely on others. And then there are real men; men who don’t cry or complain, who don’t just have a backbone, they are the backbone. Men who make their own decisions and live with the consequences, who accept responsibility for their actions or words. Men who, when life slaps them in the ass, slap back and move on. Men who live hard and die even harder.Men like my father and my uncles. Men I loved with all my heart.Men like Deuce.”
Madeline Sheehan
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“I damn well know a good thing when I see it and babe all I’ve ever been able to fuckin’ see is you. Not many chances a man has in his lifetime to do right, to earn the love of a good woman, and to get a taste of true freedom. And babe, for me, you’re all fuckin’ three. Have been for a good while now.”
Madeline Sheehan
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“I know I’m a fuckin’ bastard with a bad temper and I don’t fuckin’ deserve you but, shit Eva, if you woulda stayed put I woulda done better by you than you’ve had. You feel me?” I stared at him. And fell in love with him all over again.”
Madeline Sheehan
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“Daddy!” Eva whirled around, glaring. “I’ve been fucking Deuce since I was eighteen! I wanted to fuck him when I was sixteen! Maybe I even wanted him when I was twelve too! Who knows! What I do know is I have been in love with him since I was five! So get over it! And don’t you dare shoot him or I’ll shoot you!”
Madeline Sheehan
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“If his girl was broken, someone sure as fuck was going to die for that.”
Madeline Sheehan
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“Where’s you’re fuckin’ bitch?”Cox looked right then left. “Shit,” he muttered. “I thought I heard something earlier. Figured she was fuckin’ Ripper again. Fuckin’ hell. I was gonna ask her to marry me.”“You’re already married shithead. This ain’t fuckin’ Utah.”
Madeline Sheehan
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“Now woman, you need to start doin’ what you came here to do or I’m gonna do it for you.”
Madeline Sheehan
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“When it comes to you darlin’ I got no fuckin’ sense. You fuckin’ pull me in until you’re all I can fuckin’ see and suddenly I can’t fuckin’ breathe but I don’t care cuz, babe, you’re you, and I ain’t never met anyone as fuckin’ perfect as you.”
Madeline Sheehan
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“And babe, when I kissed you and you kissed me back, not knowing that the fuck you were doin’ but doin’ it anyway, not carin’, just feelin’, I fuckin’ lost myself in that kiss. Couldn’t remember ever losin’ myself in a kiss until then.That fuckin’ kiss, Eva, has gotten me through some pretty bad nights. That fuckin’ kiss reminds me that life ain’t all bad.”
Madeline Sheehan
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“She doesn’t belong to one of my boys, she’s fuckin’ mine.”
Madeline Sheehan
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“What’s wrong with you?” He sneered. “You’re not her, that’s what’s wrong with you. What’s she got that you don’t? Bitch, she’s got me and you never fuckin’ did.”
Madeline Sheehan
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“Shhh,” He growled into my mouth. “I got you, I fuckin’ got you. Just let it go baby girl, just fuckin’ let it go.”
Madeline Sheehan
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“Can't fuckin' live without you. Want you on my bike and in my bed. Want my kids inside you. Want you by my side babe for as long as I got left”
Madeline Sheehan
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“Whatever this shit is between us it’s always been there and it’s always gonna be there. I’m shit-fuckin’-tired tryin’ to ignore it. I’ll try to do right by you Eva, you’d be the first, but I’ll fuckin’ try my damndest. And baby, true freedom is the open road, the wind on your face and a good woman on the back of your bike holdin’ you tight like you’re her reason for breathin’ because she sure as fuck is yours.”
Madeline Sheehan
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“Hey," I said softly and cupped his cheek."Yeah?"“What about your dream?”His face went dimples. “I’m lookin’ at it, darlin’.”Oh. Crap. My heart felt near bursting. I was absolutely done for. This man owned me, body and soul, and everything in between.”
Madeline Sheehan
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“Because baby, I'm wild pussy and wild pussy can't be bought. Wild pussy doesn't like having pretty things thrown at it and being expected to do the samba on someone's cock in return. Wild pussy doesn't do deals. Wild pussy lives free and for itself and takes it however it likes it; on a bed, on a couch, on the hood of a car, in a bathroom stall or up against a wall in an alleyway and it laughs the entire time. I've known you for a while now Chase. I know you've never had wild pussy and I know you never will. Wild pussy doesn't fuck uptight cock. And it sure as hell doesn't like silk boxers”
Madeline Sheehan
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“Been tryin’ to let you go, been tryin' for fuckin' years,” He said roughly. “Haven’t figured out how yet.”- Deuce to Eva (Undeniable)”
Madeline Sheehan
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“You’re a good kid, darlin’. A good, sweet kid. Promise me you’ll stay that way, yeah? No matter what you see, no matter what sort of fucked up shit happens to you. Don’t let this life turn you bitter.- Deuce to Eva (Undeniable)”
Madeline Sheehan
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“You're better than you think," I whispered. "I didn't realize it when I was little, didn't understand that look in your eyes, why you always looked so sad, but I get it now. Someone got inside of you and messed you all up, made up down and left right so now you think you're shit when you're not even close. So you need to listen to me when I tell you that you are better than you think. You're even better than that. To me, you're the best." - Eva to Deuce (Undeniable)”
Madeline Sheehan
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“Back of a bike is comin' for ya and soon too, cuz baby the way you’re lookin’ at me is tellin’ me you want it. And you want it bad."- Deuce to Eva (Undeniable)”
Madeline Sheehan
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“There will always be a reason why you meet people. Either you need them to change your life or you’re the one that will change theirs.- Angel Flonis Harefa”
Madeline Sheehan
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“His blue eyes glittered with amusement. “Naïve, darlin'," He murmured. "I stole you a long time ago. Round the time you f**kin' stole me.”
Madeline Sheehan
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“I'm gettin' old babe. Got grown ass kids and gray fuckin' hair. Spent too much time married to a bitch I couldn't stand, too much time beatin' myself up for wishin' I was balls deep in a bitch eighteen years younger than me. Add that shit together and that equals me being fuckin' miserable for a long fuckin' time. So yeah, I can't do this anymore. Can't fuckin' live without you. Want you on my bike and in my bed. Want my kids inside you. Want you by my side babe for as long as I got left - Deuce West”
Madeline Sheehan
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“Respeta a las mujeres, pequeña mierda. Fue una jodida mujer quien te llevo en su jodido cuerpo, quien parió y te amo. Y será una mujer quien te mantenga caliente por la noche, quien te permitirá entrar en su cuerpo, y será una mujer quien traiga al mundo tus putos hijos. Respeta a las putas mujeres a todas o te mataré.”
Madeline Sheehan
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“Cause when it comes to you, darlin', I got no fuckin' sense. You fuckin' pull me in until you're all I can fuckin' see. Suddenly, I can't fuckin' breathe, but I don't care 'cause you, babe, you're you. And I ain't ever met anyone as fuckin' perfect as you.”
Madeline Sheehan
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“Mark Twain dijo: “Los dos días más importantes de tu vida es el día en que naces y el día en que descubres por qué.”No recuerdo el día en que nací, pero recuerdo el día en que descubrí por qué.Su nombre era Deuce.Él era mi “por qué”Y esta es nuestra historia.No es una bonita.Algunas partes de ella son francamente feas.Pero es nuestra.Y porque creo que todo pasa por una razón, no cambiaría nada.”
Madeline Sheehan
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