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Maisie Mosco

Maisie Mosco was born as Maisie Gottlieb. Her parents were of Latvian Jewish and Viennese Jewish descent, and both emigrated to England around 1900.

She left school at the age of 14 to help in the family business. At the age of 18 she joined the ATS and at the end of World War II was helping to teach illiterate soldiers how to read. After the war, she edited the Jewish Gazette, and subsequently wrote radio plays for the BBC.

Mosco wrote 16 novels between 1979 and 1998. These included the 'Almonds and Raisins' series, which contained elements of her own family history.

She married twice: to Aubrey Liston in 1948, then to Gerald Mosco in 1957.

“Love at first sight was a common romantic theme, but he could not recall reading about love at the umpteenth thousandth meeting”
Maisie Mosco
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“Sometimes before your luck can be good,someone else's has to be bad”
Maisie Mosco
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“Life is full of sacrifices. Let them be for something.”
Maisie Mosco
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