Majgull Axelsson photo

Majgull Axelsson

Majgull Axelsson (b. 1947) is a famous Swedish journalist and writer. She grew up in Nässjö and had education in journalism.

Her first book was non-fiction, and focused on the problems of child prostitution and street children in third world, and poverty in Sweden. April witch is her second novel, and one that was well received in Sweden. With over 400,000 copies sold in hardcover, It landed on several bestsellers lists for months and received important Swedish literature awards including the Moa Martinsson Prize Jörgen Eriksson's Prize and Augustpriset. It addresses themes of mother-daughter relationships, competition between women, and the failures of Sweden's postwar welfare state.

Axelsson lives with her husband on Lidingö.


“Only the most ignorant still believe, like Saint Augustine, that time is a river. We others know it is a delta: that it branches out and seeks new routes, that it rejoins itself only to seek a thousand new courses. Some may be waterfalls, some no more than little stagnant pools passed by the tide, forever still...This is one of those times. A pool. I sink down in it. I want to stay forever in this water.”
Majgull Axelsson
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