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Maki Murakami

Name in Japanese: 村上真紀

“You've got him trained well. It's kind of sexy.”
Maki Murakami
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“It was an endless cycle--put one thing away, pick another up anew.You see what I'm saying? There's no evolution, no chance for growth.”
Maki Murakami
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“Reality is just a nice way of saying "tragedy." The truth is, people are vain and mean!”
Maki Murakami
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“Come on, hurry up and aim your .44 Magnum at my pink flowerbed.Oh, come on, let's not talk pistols when you know it's a bazooka. ♥”
Maki Murakami
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“I don't.If it mattered to me even one bit, I wouldn't be here with you, Nakano-san!”
Maki Murakami
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“All I have to do is say the word and no record label will ever touch Bad Luck. You'll be out of business faster than the fat one from N'Sync.”
Maki Murakami
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“I would have thought that you'd be tired of vomiting blood and going to therapy and the prospect of being a nervous wreck all your life.Trés masochistic.”
Maki Murakami
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“Whether or not Yuki-san needs you, whether or not he needs Seguchi-san, or whether he needs anybody at all only he can say. And you won't know unless you ask.”
Maki Murakami
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“It's the in thing to paste the print club stickers all over your cell phone.I arranged them chaotically to symbolize our love!”
Maki Murakami
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“What's this "rough life of a novelist" bullshit? You sound like an idiot.You're a writer. At least give yourself better lines.”
Maki Murakami
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“Me, too! I'll sell my bras and buy two million! One per cup!”
Maki Murakami
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“I've kind of been crushing on this girl.Up until now, I've been semi-content just saying "Hi" from time-to-time but now I really want to call her up and ask her out.I guess that means I've finally fallen for her all the way, doesn't it?”
Maki Murakami
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“So, what counts is that you think this is the best choice.Once you've decided that, you should chase it down with everything you've got.”
Maki Murakami
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“When it comes down to it, it's your happiness that's most important.”
Maki Murakami
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“You know, no one ever appreciates you until you're gone.”
Maki Murakami
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