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Malak El Halabi

Born in Beirut, Lebanon, on October 1, 1992, Malak El Halabi began writing poems at a very early age. Poetry became her friend before she was even able to complete her own sentences.

She published her first poetry book "الهي الحب وعقيدتي أنتَ", "My God is Love and my Religion is You" at the age of 17. The book ranked second in the sales of the Beirut Arab Book fair. In 2011, her second poetry book "Samir", dedicated to the memory of her father, was published, dealing with the themes of death and grief.

After 2011, Malak switched from writing in Arabic to writing in English. Her poems are featured in Dubai Poetics, Thought Catalog, and several online platforms. Her poem "23" won the third prize in the IE Humanities Award 2016 for which the award ceremony took place during the Hay Festival of Segovia, Spain. Her poem "Insomnia" won the second prize in the 2018 Humanities Award.

Malak swims in the Bermuda triangle of Love, Lust, and Loss and when she manages to grasp for air, she writes about it.

“She is the woman that contradicts Simone de Beauvoir's saying "One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman." She is the woman that makes your tooth pain seem like a trivial matter in comparison to the heartaches she causes as she deliberately passes by your side. She is the woman that makes your throat feel swollen and your tie to suddenly seem too tight. She is the woman that is able to take you to the seven heavens with a whisper; straight to cloud number nine.. She is the woman that erases all other women unintentionally and becomes without demanding the despot of your heart. She is the woman that sends you back and forth to purgatory and resurrects you with each unintended touch. She is the woman that will ask of you to burn Rome just to collect for her a handful of dust.”
Malak El Halabi
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“Be the man who has the spirit of a ruthless tiger, ravaging every dusty corner of my soul.Be the man for whom I will tame myself voluntarily..Be the man who can make me forget my birth date in moments of utter dellusion.Be the man whose arms are my harbor, whose lips are my shore, and whose name is my only salvation.Be the man who erases my past and draws my future with trails of roses and kisses.Be the man who makes me sigh behind the windows of Poetry, longing to be written. Be the man whose cigarette's ashes are confounded with mine.Be the man whose voice moves mountains inside me.Be the man whose eyes devour the innocence within me with every piercing glance.Be the man for whom I will transform exceptions into rules.Be the man who will dare to tear this poem from my hands.The man who will rewrite with the uncertainty of the futur every single one of my verses.”
Malak El Halabi
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