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Mandy Nachampassack-Maloney

“I was completely and irrevocably in lust; which tends to make a person impassive to others’ pain. Love makes us compassionate. Lust makes us deaf to all but the lover.”
Mandy Nachampassack-Maloney
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“Her face may have been the most beautiful female face I have ever seen. Yet, it was a beauty that was intimidating and overwhelming. It was an exquisiteness that made you want to turn and run, instead of approach.”
Mandy Nachampassack-Maloney
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“He loves her for everything she is and is not. She’s old enough to appreciate that.”
Mandy Nachampassack-Maloney
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“You are one woman in an endless line of women who were chosen to love more passionately than others, be committed to justice more fervently than others, and seek our Maker’s higher expressions more reflectively than others.”
Mandy Nachampassack-Maloney
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“She did not date. She did not have time for men. Men were never, ever worth a great amount of energy. She was the kind of woman that looked down on what she called ‘settlers’, women who chose love and fleeting passion that turned to dull, lifeless marriages over a career and independence.”
Mandy Nachampassack-Maloney
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“She had the feeling, the tingling, lingering sense that something or someone life altering was just over the horizon. She had no idea what it was, but she wanted to rush headlong to bring it to her.”
Mandy Nachampassack-Maloney
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“It is interesting how one word can spark memories that one believes she has buried beyond recognition.”
Mandy Nachampassack-Maloney
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