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Marc Fitten

Marc Fitten is the author of VALERIA'S LAST STAND and ELZA'S KITCHEN -- both published by Bloomsbury -- and is included in a new collection WE WEAR THE MASK - published by Beacon. He has also published work in The New York Times, The Atlanta Journal Constitution, and online at Esquire.

“The mayor was the most dangerous of individuals. He possessed, in equal amounts, unhealthy doses of charm and ambition. He was a driven opportunist.”
Marc Fitten
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“Valeria," the mayor's wife asked. "Are you all right this morning? My husband has been asking about you.""Yes, desire. Quite. Don't you look lovely today.”
Marc Fitten
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“A man could settle down and still be inspired," he said. "That's all it is. She's a woman who inspires.”
Marc Fitten
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“And tell your wife whatever you want, but don't make promises you're not going to keep. And don't knock yourself out over it; you didn't invent infidelity.”
Marc Fitten
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