Marcelo Birmajer photo

Marcelo Birmajer

Marcelo Birmajer was born the 29th of November of 1966 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. His pearents were jews that emigrated to this country from Europe. At the age of twenty years old he started working as a writer for "Fierro" magazine (argentinian comic magazine). After that he also worked for several newspapers as a writter and he also wrote some movie scripts.

Marcelo's first contact whit book writing was caused by Pablo De Santis, a fellow writter he met in Fierro magazine. He was organizing some book collection, and he asked Marcelo to write some short novels. That's when he wrote "Un crimen secundario", "Un veneno saludable" and "Derrotado por un muerto"

His works go from comic book stories to short tales, novels and essays. He's the co-author of the movie script "El abrazo partido" (Daniel Burman, 2001), winner of a variety of prizes. He also took part in the creating of "Sol de Noche" script.

He has won the Konex 2004 award as one of the five best writers of the decade (1994-2003) in the young adult field. In 2011 he won this award again, as one of the five best movie script writters of the decade (2001-2011).

He lives in Buenos Aires city, with his wife Debora and his three kids.

“Todas las novelas son historias de amor. Voy a sonar cursi, pero es lo que pienso: podemos prescindir de todo, menos del amor.”
Marcelo Birmajer
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