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Marcio Goncalves

I'm a Portuguese-South African who currently lives in Cape Town. Despite reading in various genres, I consider romantic comedies my favourite genre. I have what some people might describe as an unhealthy fascination for movies: Serendipity, 500 Days of Summer and A lot like love are just three of the many movies I consider unforgettable.

I also love music and what mood I'm in usually dictates what I listen to. From rock bands such as Metallica, Pearl Jam and Korn to slightly softer artists like Maroon 5 and Pink. I also find Regina Spektor fascinating.

So, please do join me on my journey, as I try build a career writing romantic-comedy -drama novels in the company of my playlists, to serenade me through life...

“He felt that alcohol, cigarettes and the occasional cannabis joint was quite enough. There was no need to add caffeine to the list of health risks he put his body through."-Drake Kingsley's reason for not drinking tea or coffee, The Venetian Violinist.”
Marcio Goncalves
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