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Marco Roth

Marco Roth is a founding editor of n+1 magazine. He teaches literature and writing at The New School University's Eugene Lang College, in New York.

“My loneliness...still comes over me sometimes...It's a liminal, lost sensation of having wandered wide, endless boulevards, among rows of orange trees, winter butterflies, seasons reversed and out of order, dogs barking from behind fences meant to keep out intruders. It's not the place that impoverishes me but I who bring my own sense of poverty, of loss, to the place. It's a sense of near nothingness, as though I were not so much a blank slate as an erased chalkboard, still bearing illegible smudges of smoothed-over writing.”
Marco Roth
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“When he picked out the [gravesite] plot, my father had joked that he was moving, at last, to the suburbs.”
Marco Roth
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