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Margaret Brownley

BEST-SELLING AUTHOR MARGARET BROWNLEY has penned nearly forty novels and novellas. Her books have won numerous awards, including Readers' Choice and Award of Excellence. She's was a two-time Romance Writers of American RITA® finalist and has written for a TV soap. She is currently working on a new series. Not bad for someone who flunked eighth grade English. Just don't ask her to diagram a sentence.

“God gave me this enormous talent, but He forgot to give me the courage to use it." ... "I don't think God forgot," Justin said. "I think He simply gave you a challenge that you haven't yet conquered.”
Margaret Brownley
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“If you ask me the man's short a hat size or two but he's harmless. Not like the Texas Kid or the Tuscon Kid. Drat, he's not even like Billy the Kid. Now those are outlaws."His assurances did little to calm her nerves. Apparently the only bandits he took seriously were the ones belonging to a society of human goats.”
Margaret Brownley
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“Beauty puts a face on God. When we gaze at nature, at a loved one, at a work of art, our soul immediately recognizes it and is drawn to the face of God.”
Margaret Brownley
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