Margaret Stohl is the #1 New York Times, PW, USA Today, LA Times and Internationally bestselling co-author or author of twelve books, including the BEAUTIFUL CREATURES NOVELS, the DANGEROUS CREATURES NOVELS, the ICONS NOVELS, MARVEL'S BLACK WIDOW NOVELS, ROYCE ROLLS & CATS VS ROBOTS THIS IS WAR (forthcoming!) She writes the MIGHTY CAPTAIN MARVEL comic for Marvel Comics (ongoing) and has contributed to countless videogames; currently, she is a Narrative Director at Bungie.
From the author:
Writing has gotten me in and out of trouble since I was 15 (back then, mostly just in trouble.) For 10 years, I designed &/or wrote for lots of video games, one of which was nominated for “Most Innovative Game Design,” but I lost to a rapping onion. If you know games you get why my two bad beagles are named Zelda and Kirby.
School: I spent more years in it than a person ever should, because let’s face it, reading books is so much better than having a job. I fell in love with American literature at Amherst and Yale, earned an MA in English from Stanford, and studied creative writing under the late great poet George MacBeth at the University of East Anglia, Norwich. I taught Intro to Film as a TA at Yale and Romantic Poetry as a TA at Stanford. Don’t tell the people at Yale but sometimes I taught the section before I’d seen the movie it was about...
I live in Santa Monica, CA, with my family, most of whom were enslaved into working with me in one form or another on my first YA book for Little, Brown. I’m not kidding; when my daughters wanted to go to school I said “Why are you so selfish? Get back in there and edit,” and by said I mean yelled and maybe threw things, it’s all a haze. Now the Beautiful series has wrapped, but you can see the movie on February 13, 2013 or read my new book ICONS on May 7th. Nothing gold can stay, Ponyboy.
“Maybe there isn't a meaning to life. Maybe there's only a meaning to living. -- Ethan”
“These things are difficulties, not impossibilities. -- Macon”
“The things that are the most valuable are often the ones you don't even know exist. -- Xavier, The Gatekeeper”
“There are a lot of things we choose not to see. Doesn't mean they aren't there, even if we wish they weren't. --Charlie”
“There are more reasons for people's actions than the number of actions that are actually set in motion.”
“He saved the world, but he shattered mine.”
“Ant Prune was holding one of the squirrels in her hand. ‘And once a day, we have ta clean their little private parts with a Q-tip, so they'll learn ta clean themselves.'That was a visual I didn't need”
“I guess this was what it felt like to love someone and feel like you had lost them. Even when you were still holding them in your arms.”
“Pete et Invienies.”
“Claim yourself.”
“Old paper, which my mom used to say was the smell of time itself.”
“All that destiny garbage. Nobody can decide what happens to you. Nobody but you.”
“In the end, the Wheel crushes us all.”
“When I first met you, that's what I remember. I looked up at the sky and thought, I'm going to love this person because even the sky looks different.”
“Sports section and a sticky bun. Know what that means.”
“She yanked my plate away and took it to the sink. She rinsed some bones that looked like pork shoulder, which was weird since we'd had chicken tonight.”
“Aunt Mercy put down her tiles, one at a time. I-T-C-H-I-N.Aunt Grace leaned closer to the board, squinting. "Mercy Lynne, you're cheatin' again! What kinda word is that? Use it in a sentence.""I'm itchin' ta have some a that white cake.""That's not how you spell it." At least one of them could spell. Aunt Grace pulled one of the tiles off the board. "There's no T in itchin'." Or not.”
“It's not easy to be Light when you've been Dark. It's almost too much to ask anyone.-Macon Ravenwood”
“Darkness does not leave us easily as we would hope.”
“Jump or stay in the boat.”
“So you are a vampire.""I most certainly am not." He looked annoyed. "That's such a common phrase, such a cliche, and so unflattering. I suppose you believe in werewolves and aliens too. I blame television.”