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Margaret Way

Margaret Way was born and educated in the river city of Brisbane, Australia. Before her marriage she was a well-known pianist, teacher, vocal coach and accompanist, but her hectic musical career came to a halt when her son was born and the demands of motherhood dictated a change of pace.

On a fortuitous impulse she decided to try her hand at romance writing and was thrilled when Mills & Boon accepted her first effort, Time of the Jacaranda, which they published less than a year later in 1970; a feat that brought tears to her father's eyes. Some seventy odd books have followed resulting in a loyal readership whose letters provide a source of support and encouragement. A driving force in all her writing has been the promotion of her much loved country, Australia. She delights in bringing it alive for her readers; its people, way of life, environment, flora and fauna. Her efforts so far have not excited official recognition, but she expects one day she will be awarded the "Order of Australia."

Her interests remain with the arts. She still plays the piano seriously, but her "top Cs" have gone. She is still addicted to collecting antiques and paintings and browsing through galleries. She now lives within sight and sound of beautiful Moreton Bay and its islands, inspiration for some of her books. Her house is full of books, spectacular plants, Chinese screens and pots. She is devoted to her garden and spends much time "directing the design and digging and providing cold drinks and chocolates."

“Men were notorious for their acts of disloyalty.”
Margaret Way
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“You make me come alive- too alive. It's breathless, like a disaster. Ravishing, like crossing over into the desert and losing your bearings. Nothing's the same again.”
Margaret Way
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“Ingo was a fever, and so far she hadn't found the antidote.”
Margaret Way
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“I have a natural tendency to go away when told to do so. Do you really want me to?”
Margaret Way
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“Keeping one's guests supplied with liquor is the first law of hospitality.”
Margaret Way
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“Tall, elegant, vital, scornful. A man like that could rock a woman to her very core.”
Margaret Way
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“Woman magic. A quality that could bring great joy or havoc or both in equal measure.”
Margaret Way
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“Certain women because of their female power and seductiveness could bring destruction to a family.”
Margaret Way
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“It may come as an extraordinary shock to you but you're the only woman who has ever succeeded in getting under my skin. It could be because you're a raving lunatic.”
Margaret Way
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“You're the hero my young romantic heart settled on so long ago, you're an absolute tiger at times, you're devious and not above playing a few tricks. I love you whatever you are all the time. I've loved you for ten years without stopping. I'll love you for as long as I have breath in my body. I'm committed to one man and I'm ready to face real life with him.”
Margaret Way
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“I said he kissed me. Really kissed me. It rocked me to my soul. It was brutal. It was brilliant. It was horrible. I thought I was going to die.”
Margaret Way
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“Woman, thy name is perversity!”
Margaret Way
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“I know some women go in for excitement and danger. It must make them feel more alive. It's my professional judgment that you're a dangerous man.”
Margaret Way
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“Being abandoned doesn't make for little angels.”
Margaret Way
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“Sometimes she couldn't tolerate a man's physical superiority. No wonder they were so damned macho.”
Margaret Way
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