Margreet de Heer photo

Margreet de Heer

Margreet de Heer lives and works in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, with her husband Yiri T. Kohl. A long time ago, she studied Theology at the University of Amsterdam, but through divine intervention she ended up being a comic artist. She worked at the famous comic store Lambiek from 2000 until 2005, and wrote a book about Dutch comics together with Kees Kousemaker.

Since 2005 she is a full-time comic book artist producing a wide range of work, from children's comics in magazines to cartoons at business conferences. In 2007 she started making philosophical comic "reports" for newspaper Trouw. This resulted in a book edition in 2010 which was a bestseller and is published in the U.S. by NBM with the title 'Philosophy: a Discovery in Comics'.

She continued the series with a book about Religion (2011), Science (2012), World Domination (2015) and Love (2017). Thus far, her books have appeared in The Netherlands, the US, Brazil and South Korea.

In 2017, Margreet was appointed Comic Artist Laureate of the Netherlands, a title she uses to promote Dutch comics, especially in schools. She holds this title until Fall of 2020.

“Always distrust absolute statements! Even this one.”
Margreet de Heer
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“If it has words in it, I'll read it.”
Margreet de Heer
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