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Marianne Curley

I loved reading from a young age and scoured my school libraries during my younger years, but I never thought I would become a writer. It was not until my mid-thirties, while teaching office studies and computers to adults at the Coffs Harbour Education Campus that I began to think seriously about writing. I took several courses and experimented with different styles and genres. With two teenage daughters at the time I fell into writing young adult paranormal and have never looked back.

My first four novels, Old Magic, The Named, The Dark and The Key, were published by Bloomsbury Publishing in Australia, the UK, and the USA, with translations into more than a dozen foreign languages.

In 2004, just as The Key was being prepared for printing, I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of bone marrow cancer called Myelofibrosis. With only a short time to live, I was given a stem-cell bone marrow transplant using my sister’s stem cells, which saved my life. I have now been cancer free for seventeen years and have written a new trilogy called The Avena Series. Hidden, Broken and Fearless were published in 2013, 2014 and 2015.

In March 2018, I was finally able to publish the long-awaited fourth book to the Guardians of Time Series, called The Shadow. To unite the series, I brought out a new edition of the entire series with matching new fantasy covers tying the four books together.

I am presently working on a YA paranormal/time travel story, and a contemporary novel based on real events.




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Insta: @marianne_curley

“I sense a deep despair inside this boy that must be hard to live with.”
Marianne Curley
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“Isabel sends her brother a look that could boil him in oil if she had that particular paranormal talent. A thought hits me: maybe she has. It will be fun to find out.”
Marianne Curley
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“Looking straight into Rochelle's eyes he adds, "I don't cave in to temptation.”
Marianne Curley
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“Well, Gascon, I'm going to miss your long blue hair. How on earth will I find you in a crowd now?”
Marianne Curley
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“Instinctively, and against my better judgement, I pull her closer to me. She rests her head on my shoulder as if it is the most natural thing in all the worlds to do.But it's a mistake. I become aware of her heart beating, her lungs expanding with every breath, her skin beneath my touch.She moves, and her head slides to my chest. Shifting into sleep, she wraps her arm around my waist. Now I'm aware of my heart beating too, slowly, in sync with hers. I know I should push her away. But if my life depended on it, right now, that would be impossible.”
Marianne Curley
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“Grief and passion make a volatile mix.”
Marianne Curley
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“I did a research assignment on life in the Middle Ages only last year. I found the era fascinating, all that chivalry and court romance. But I never pictured anything as poor as this village. This is the pits. There's no romance here, definitely no chivary. And it stinks--of sweat and smoke and sewage.”
Marianne Curley
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“Malcom clears his throat and Jarrod spins around, Jillian's amulet reflecting the morning sun. 'Kate!”
Marianne Curley
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“The price for Jarrod's freedom is to be my imprisonment.”
Marianne Curley
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“I push throughthe wind to the north-facing window and stand before it. 'I will bring her back!' I shout into the darkness.I do this because I know Rhauk will be listening.”
Marianne Curley
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“Blood trickles from my throat, on to Kate's white nightgown. She screams at the sight. 'Jarrod, you're bleeding!''I'm all right, don't struggle I won't let it get to you.”
Marianne Curley
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“Darkness at Blacklands is scary.”
Marianne Curley
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“I recall the look in Rhauk's eyes the moment he spotted Kate. It will stay with me forever, carved into my brain like an engraving on a headstone. It's as if he found something he treasured, something he's been looking for all his life.”
Marianne Curley
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“The cottages are full of life. It's incredible to think they are filled with people who know nothing of computerised technology, nor even running water, sewage systems or electricity. And yet here they live. Surviving.”
Marianne Curley
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“Nothing will be resolved here. Nothing is ever resolved without war. It is the way of the universe.”
Marianne Curley
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“Not to know what happened before you were born is always to remain a child. For what is a man’s life if it is not linked with the life of future generations by memories of the past?”
Marianne Curley
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“For a moment Ethan simply stares. Before him is the monster of his nightmares: his sister's murderer, the beast who robbed him of his greatest love. How easy, how fulfilling would it be to take Marduk's life? But the arrow in Ethan's fingers slips to the ground. "No. even revenge is too great an honor for you."As the night falls and brings an end to this long day of darkness, Marduk inhales his last staggered breath and his body turns to stone.”
Marianne Curley
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“He says, "I have loved you since the first moment I saw you. I wanted you then, and when I thought you didn't want me, I turned my love into hate.""Ethan..." Before I say another word his mouth comes down over mine and he kisses me.”
Marianne Curley
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“This wind is mystical yet tame, and it sings to me.”
Marianne Curley
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