Marianne Fredriksson was a Swedish author who worked and lived in Roslagen and Stockholm. Before becoming a novelist, she was a journalist on various Swedish newspapers and magazines, including Svenska Dagbladet.
Fredriksson published fifteen novels, most of which have been translated into English, German, Dutch and other languages. Most of her earlier books are based on biblical stories. A central theme in her writings is friendship because, as she maintained, "friendship will be more important than love" in the future.
“Защо мъжете правят така, че е трудно да ги обичаш?”
“Wanneer kinderen groter worden verdedigen ze hun geheimen uit alle macht. Anders zouden ze door hun moeders worden verslonden. Het ergste wat ik ken zijn jongelui die alles met hun moeder delen. Die worden nooit vrij.”
“The years came and went, the children came and left. The worst of getting old is not tiredness and aches and pains, but the time rushes on, so quickly that in the end it doesn't seem to exist.It's Christmas and then it's Easter. It's a clear winter's day and then a hot summer's day. In between it's a vacuum.”
“...Then dreams burst like bubbles in the wind. But change takes time.When people fall in love and lose the overwhelming desire for it to last a lifetime,they think something is wrong with them.Only now,when every other marriage ends in divorce,have people begun to understand that falling in love seldom grows into love,and that not even love can free a person from loneliness.And that sexual enjoyment does not make life meaningful.”
“Waren er geen herinneringen als er geen woorden waren? Wat was er dan, buiten woorden? Er moest toch íéts zijn? Niet buiten woorden, maar erachter, aan de andere kant ervan.”
“Verliezen we soms met de komst van de woorden het vertrouwen? Het vertrouwen dat het volk in het bos wel bezit?”
“Met de komst van de woorden verliezen we het oorspronkelijke gevoel, dacht ze. Het geeft een veilig gevoel, dat is waar. Alleen de dingen die een naam hebben gekregen, worden werkelijk voor ons. Werkelijk en begrensd.”
“...anyone expecting injustice does not keep a collection of injustices.”
“Ik weet dat de psychologie ons modellen kan geven. Daardoor kun je leren verbanden te begrijpen en patronen te zien. En dat helpt, zeker. Maar het meeste zullen we toch nooit kunnen begrijpen. Het leven is zo paradoxaal. Wat er met ons gebeurt en hoe we daarmee omgaan, het verdriet en de dood, de blijdschap en de liefde. Geen kennis in de wereld kan jouw eenzaamheid genezen of jou bevrijden van je grootste angst”
“I recognized everything, the waterfall and the lakes, the trees and paths. But they had forgotten me. That was bitter and I cried a lot. One should never return to sacred places.”
“The mind can ask all the questions on the meaning of life. But it cannot answer one of them, for the answers are beyond the mind.”
“When our patterns are threatened by new facts, reason is seldom the victor: 'I know what I think, so don't go confusing me with new opinions.”
“She had realized there are only fragments, that 'memories' always consist of fragments the mind puts together into a pattern, adapts a picture staked out early without the need for a conenction with anything that really happened. A great deal is misunderstood by small children, then stored as images that attract similar images, confirming and reinforcing.”