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Marie Landry

Marie Landry lives and writes in a cozy apartment in Ontario, Canada, surrounded by books and Funko Pops. An avid reader from a young age, she loves getting lost in characters’ worlds, whether they’re of her own making or someone else’s. She particularly loves stories with as much of an emphasis on self-discovery and friendship as on romance...but don’t leave out the romance!

When not doing bookish things, you can often find her taking pictures, cooking, scrolling Instagram (find her at, daydreaming about frolicking through the Scottish Highlands, or listening to the same music she's loved since the '90s. She's an unapologetic nerd and fangirl, and that, along with her mental health advocacy, is often woven into her books.

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“The power of love is the best medicine a person can get.”
Marie Landry
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