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Marie Lu

I write young adult novels, and have a special love for dystopian books. Ironically, I was born in 1984. Before becoming a full-time writer, I was an Art Director at a video game company. Now I shuffle around at home and talk to myself a lot. :)

I graduated from the University of Southern California in '06 and currently live in LA, where I spend my time stuck on the freeways.

“Day, the boy from the streets with nothing except the clothes on his back and the earnestness in his eyes, owns my heart. He is beauty, inside and out. He is the silver lining in a world of darkness. He is my light.”
Marie Lu
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“I turn even more flustered when I remember that I have actually pistol-whipped him in the face before. Romantic.”
Marie Lu
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“The Republic's most wanted criminal is just a boy, sitting before me, suddenly vulnerable, laying all his weaknesses out for me to see.”
Marie Lu
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“Walk in the light.”
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“When I see Kaede nod her head in Tess's direction, I rise up from my crouch. This trot's going to choose Tess. Oh, hell no. Not while I'm watching. Not if Kaede wants to live.”
Marie Lu
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“It's strange," I say to Day later, as we both curl up on the floor. Outside, the hurricane rages on. In a few hours we'll need to head out. "It's strange being here with you. I hardly know you. But...sometimes it feels like we're the same person born into two different worlds."He stays quiet for a moment, one hand absently playing with my hair. "I wonder what we would've been like if I'd been born into a life more like yours,and you had been born into mine. Would we be just like we are now? Would I be one of the Republic's top soldiers? And would you be a famous criminal?"I lift my head off his shoulder and look at him. "I never did ask you about your street name.Why 'Day'?""Each day means a new twenty-four hours. Each day means everything's possible again.You live in the moment, you die in the moment,you take it all one day at a time." He looks toward the railway car's open door, where streaks of dark water blanket the world. "You try to walk in the light.”
Marie Lu
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“You're suicidal.You know how impossible this sounds?""Yes." I pause. "But I don't really have much choice.""Well,go on.What about the square?""Diversion." My eyes lock onto Kaede's. "Create chaos in Batalla Square, as much chaos as you can manage. Enough chaos to force most of the soldiers guarding the back exits to enter the square and help contain the crowd-if only for a couple of minutes. That's what the electro-bomb might help you with. Set it off in the air, and it'll shake up the ground in Batalla Hall and around it. It shouldn't hurt anyone, but it'll definitely stir up some panic. And if the guns in the vicinity are disabled,they can't shoot at Day even if they see him escaping along a rooftop.They'll have to chase him or try their luck with less accurate stun guns.""Okay,genius." Kaede laughs, a little too sarcastically. "Let me ask you this, though. How the hell are you going to get Day out of the building at all? You think you're going to be the only soldier escorting him to the firing squad? Other soldiers will probably flank you.Hell,a whole patrol might join you."I smile at her. "There will be other soldiers. But who says they can't be Patriots in disguise?"She doesn't answer me,not in words. But I can see the grin spreading on her face, and I realize that even though she thinks I'm crazy,she has also agreed to help.”
Marie Lu
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“I can barely stay awake," Metias had told me after his first night shift. "Does she honestly think we can guard anything after pulling an all-nighter? I was so out of it today that the Colonies' Chancellor himself could've walked into Batalla Hall and I wouldn't have known it.”
Marie Lu
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“Ms. Iparis told me about what you did to her on the streets. How dare you force yourself onto someone of her rank."Ah.Here is what's really bothering him-I guess he found out about the kiss. I can't help grinning,even though my face screams in pain. "Awww. Is that what's got you down? I've seen the way you look at her.You want her bad,yeah? Is that something you're also trying to earn your way up to, trot? Hate to burst your bubble,but I didn't force her into anything."A deep scarlet rage flashes across his face. "She's looking forward to your execution,Mr. Wing. I can guarantee you that."I laugh. "Sore loser,huh? Here,I'll make you feel better. I'll tell you all about what it was like.Hearing about it is the next best thing,isn't it?”
Marie Lu
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“You may claim no affiliation with them, but perhaps some have crossed your path.And perhaps you'd like to help us find them.""Oh,sure.You killed my mother. You can imagine I'm dying to help you out."Thomas manages to ignore me again. He glances at the first photo projected on the wall. "Know this person?"I shake my head. "Never seen him before."Thomas clicks the remote. Another photo pops up. "How about this one?""Nope."Another photo. "How about this?""Nope."Yet another stranger pops up on the wall. "Seen this girl before?""Never seen her in my life."More unfamiliar faces. Thomas goes through them without blinking an eye or questioning my responses. What a stupid puppet of the state. I watch him as we continue, wishing I weren't chained so I could beat this man to the ground.”
Marie Lu
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“I'll tell you why it matters," she hisses. "It matters because if you hadn't escaped,my brother would be alive right now.And I want to make sure no other filthy street con assigned to the labor camps escapes the system-so that this scenario won't play out ever again."I laugh in her face.The pain in my leg only fuels my anger. "Oh,is that all you're worried about? A bunch of renegade Trial takers who managed to escape their deaths? Those ten-year-olds are a dangerous bunch,yeah?”
Marie Lu
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“Then I realize from the hollow sound of her gun's click that her gun isn't loaded. Apparently she just wants to slap me around with it.The Girl doesn't move her gun away. "How old are you?""Fifteen.""That's better." The Girl lowers her gun a little. "Time for a few confessions.Were you responsible for the break-in at the Arcadia bank?"The ten-second place. "Yes.""Then you must be responsible for stealing sixteen thousand five hundred Notes from there as well.""You got that right.""Were you responsible for vandalizing the Department of Intra-Defense two years ago, and destroying the engines of two warfront airships?""Yes.""Did you set fire to a series of ten F-472 fighter jets parked at the Burbank air force base right before they were to head out to the warfront?""I'm kinda proud of that one.""Did assault a cadet standing guard at the edge of the Alta sector's quarantine zone?""I tied him up and delivered food to some quarantined families.Bite me.”
Marie Lu
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“You must be as thrilled as I am to meet again.Call it an act of extreme kindness that I requested your leg be bandaged up," she snaps. "I want to see you stand for your execution,and I won't have you dying from infection before I'm through with you.""Thanks.You're very kind.”
Marie Lu
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“The boy speaks up. When he does, there's such a tender quality to his voice that I can't help looking up at him. "I don't know if anyone's ever told you this," he begins. He doesn't blush,and his eyes don't dart away. Instead I find myself staring into a pair of oceans-one perfect,the other blemished by that tiny ripple. "You're very attractive."I've been complimented on my appearance before.But never in his tone of voice.Of all the things he's said,I don't know why this catches me off guard. But it startles me so much that without thinking I blurt out, "I could say the same about you." I pause. "In case you didn't know."A slow grin spreads across his face. "Oh,trust me.I know.”
Marie Lu
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“Tess," I say. "I'm going to head down to the water.I'll be back in a minute.""You sure you can make it by yourself?" she asks."I'll be fine." I smile. "If you see me floating unconscious out to sea,though-by all means,come and get me.”
Marie Lu
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“She's not much taller than Tess and definitely lighter than Kaede. For a second it seems like the crowd's attention has made her umcomfortable and I'm ready to dismiss her as a real contender until I study her again. No, this girl is nothing like the last one. She's hesitating not because she's afraid to fight,or because she fears losing,but because she's thinking. Calculating.She has dark hair tied back in a high ponytail and a lean, athletic build. She stands deliberately, with a hand resting on her hip, as if nothing in the world can catch her off guard. I find myself pausing to admire her face.For a brief moment,I'm lost to my surroundings.The girl shakes her head at Kaede. This surprises me too-I've never seen anyone refuse to fight. Everyone knows the rules: if you're chosen,you fight. This girl doesn't seem to fear the crowds wrath. Kaede laughs at her and says something I can't quite make out. Tess hears it,though, and casts me a quick, concerned glance.This time the girl nods. The crowd lets out another cheer,and Kaede smiles. I lean a little bit out from behind the chimney. Something about this girl...I don't know what it is.But her eyes burn in the light,and although it's hot and might be my imagination, I think I see a small smile on the girl's face.Tess shoots a questioning look at me.I hesitate for a split second,then hold up one finger again. I'm grateful to this mystery girl for helping Tess out, but with my money on the line,I decide to play it safe. Tess nods,then casts our bet in favor of Kaede.But the instant the new girl steps into the circle and I see her stance...I know I've made a big mistake.Kaede strikes like a bull, a battering ram.This girl strikes like a viper.”
Marie Lu
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“to. I will trick you and deceive you, lie, cheat and steal to find you, tempt you out of your hiding place, and chase you until you have nowhere else to run. I make you this promise: your life is mine”
Marie Lu
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“My mother used to hope that I would rise up from my humble roots. Become someone sucessful, or even famous. I'm famous all right, but I don't think it's what she had in mind.”
Marie Lu
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“So, tell me,” he whispers. “How fast did you climb those fourteen stories?”Thomas makes a disapproving sound in his throat, but I break into a grin. Storm’s past. Metias loves me again. “Six minutes,” I whisper back to my brother. “And forty-four seconds. How do you like that?”“That must be some sort of record. Not that, you know, you’re supposed to do it.”
Marie Lu
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“They never found out who did it, and I never came forward. There was, after all, no evidence. I had committed my first perfect crime. My mother used to hope that I would rise up from my humble roots. Become someone successful, or even famous.I’m famous all right, but I don’t think it’s what she had in mind.”
Marie Lu
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“Well enough,” I reply. “Remember, you’re drunk. And happy. You’re supposed to be lusting over your escort. Try smiling a little more.”Day plasters a giant artificial smile on his face. As charming as ever. “Aw, come on, sweetheart. I thought I was doing a pretty good job. I got my arm around the prettiest escort on this block—how could I not be lusting over you? Don’t I look like I’m lusting? This is me, lusting.” His lashes flutter at me.He looks so ridiculous that I can’t help laughing. Another passerby glances at me. “Much better.”
Marie Lu
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“Cada día tenemos 24 horas más; cada día puede pasar cualquier cosa. Hay que vivir en el momento, porque para morir solo hace fala un instante. Hay que vivir día a día. Y hay que tratar de caminar en la luz”
Marie Lu
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“Love is illogical, love had consequences--I did this to myself, and I should be able to take it.”
Marie Lu
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“You know, sometimes I wonder what things would be like if I just ... met you one day. Like normal people do. If I just walked by you on some street one sunny morning and thought you were cute, stopped, shook your hand, and said, "Hi, I'm Daniel.”
Marie Lu
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“I make sure to keep a good distance between us, just in case she decides to get happy with a knife or something.”
Marie Lu
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“The first time I saw you, when you stepped into that Skiz ring against Kaede, I thought you were the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. I could've watched you forever. The first time I kiss you..." That memory overpowers me now, taking me by surprise. I remember every last detail of it, almost enough to push away the lingering images of the Elector pulling June to him. "Well, that might as well have been my first kiss ever.”
Marie Lu
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“I take a step toward him and grin cheerfully. "With all due respect, I don't see the Republic tacking up wanted posters with your pretty face on them.”
Marie Lu
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“Idiotic reply, June. Why don't you punch him in the face while you're at it. I turn even more flustered when I remember that I have actually pistol-whipped him in the face before. Romantic”
Marie Lu
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“Now you'll get to see how I can really run a building, darlin. Not even a cracked knee to hold me back, yeah? What a nice birthday present.”
Marie Lu
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“We're in this together, right?" he whispers. "You and me? You want to be here, yeah?" There's guilt in his questions. "Yes," I reply. "I chose this." Day pulls me close enough for our noses to touch. "I love you.”
Marie Lu
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“He pauses when he finishes undoing the last button, then closes his eyes. I can see the pain slashed across his face, and the sight tears at me. The Republic's most wanted criminal is just a boy, sitting before me, suddenly vulnerable, laying all his weaknesses out for me to see.”
Marie Lu
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“See?" she says. "tricked you. You're always staring at your opponents eyes-but that gives you a bad peripheral view.If you want to track my arms and legs, you have to focus on my chest."I raise my eyebrow at that. "say no more.”
Marie Lu
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“[...] Tess and I are a good match. She understands intimately where I came from. She can cheer me up on my darkest days. It's as if she came perfectly happy home instead of what Kaede just told me. I feel a relaxing warmth at the thought, realizing suddenly how much I'm anticipating meeting up with Tess again. Where she goes, I go, and vice versa. Peas in a pod.Then there's June.Even the thought of her name makes it hard for me to breathe. I'm almost embarrassed by my reaction. Are June and I a good match? No. It's the first word to pop into my mind.And yet, still.”
Marie Lu
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“Yeah, something was wrong. That was the understatement of the year.”
Marie Lu
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“He is beauty, inside and out.He is the silver lining in a world of darkness.He is my light.”
Marie Lu
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“If you want to rebel, rebel from inside the system.That's much more powerful than rebelling outside the system.”
Marie Lu
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“I'm not a superstitious person, but when I wake up from this dream, this painfully clear memory of John, I have the most horrible feeling in my chest.I would rather die than see them hurt you.And I have a sudden fear that somehow, some way, what he said in the dream will come true.”
Marie Lu
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“I'm telling you that you got your facts wrong. I didn't kill your brother. But you killed my mother. You might as well have held the gun to her head!”
Marie Lu
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“When you stand out there," John continues in a hoarse voice, "keep your chin up, all right? Don't let them get to you." "I won't.""Make them work for it. Punch someone if you have to." John gives me a sad, crooked smile. "You're a scary kid. So scare them. Okay? All the way until the end."For the first time in a long time, I feel like a little brother. I have to swallow hard to keep my eyes dry. "Okay," I whisper.”
Marie Lu
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“The boy who walks in the light”
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“You try to walk in the light.”
Marie Lu
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“Then he crouches down behind it, motions for Tess and me to sit down, and begins unbuttoning his vest.I blush scarlet and thank every god in the world for the darkness surrounding us. “I’m not cold and I’m not bleeding,” I say to him. “Keep your clothes on.”The boy looks at me. I would’ve expected his bright eyes to look dimmer in the night, but instead they seem to reflect the light coming from the windows above us. He’s amused. “Who said anything about you , sweetheart?”
Marie Lu
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“Forever and ever, kid, until you're sick and tired of seeing me.”
Marie Lu
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“The memory fades, and I’m left hanging on to the ghosts of hiswords.”
Marie Lu
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“You should have taken me with you," I whisper to him. Then I lean my head against his and begin to cry. In my mind, I make a silent promise to my brother's killer.I will hunt you down. I will scour the streets of Los Angeles for you. Search every street in the Republic if I have to. I will trick you and deceive you, lie, cheat and steal to find you, tempt you out of your hiding place, and chase you until you have nowhere else to run. I make you this promise: your life is mine.”
Marie Lu
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“John glances at me. “We’re not going to make it.” Between us, Day has faded into a semiconscious state. If the brothers continue on and I run back to fight the soldiers, I’ll probably only take down a few before they overwhelm me. They’ll still reach John and Day.John stops walking, and I feel Day’s weight shift over to me. “What—” I begin to say, until I see John pull the blindfold off of Day’s neck. Then he turns around. My eyes widen. I know what he’s going to do. “No, stay with us!”“You need more time,” John says. “They want an execution? They’ll get one.” He starts running away from us. Back down the hall.”
Marie Lu
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“You're brilliant,"he says."But you're a fool to stay with someone like me."I close my eyes at the touch of his hand."Then we are both fools.”
Marie Lu
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“You threw everything away."I bring a hand up to touch her face,to wipe the rain from her eyelashes."Your entire life-your beliefs...Why would you do that for me?"June has never looked more beautiful than she does now,unadorned and honest,vulnerable yet invincible.When lightning streaks over the sky,her dark eyes shine like gold."Because you were right,"she whispers."About all of it.”
Marie Lu
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“June has never looked more beautiful than she does now, unadorned and honest, vulnerable yet invincible.”
Marie Lu
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“What a joke! Poor little rich girl's fallen in love with the Republic's most famous criminal.”
Marie Lu
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