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Marissa Doyle

I try to write the kinds of stories I most enjoy reading...which means stories with heroines finding out who they are, their strengths and purposes, and where they belong in the world...and usually saving the day in the process (no damsels in distress here!) It means romance, but not with a capital "R". It means a lighter tone because I write what I like to read and I'm not really into cathartic you might want to think twice before picking up my books if you like dark and angsty reads as I might not be your cup of tea. I want to write mini-vacations for readers--give you stories that are fun and satisfying and put you into a good mood for when you close my books, smile, and step back out into the real world.

So there you go.

Oh, and for my bio--married mom of three young adults, life-long New Englander, passionate about history and research and anything from the past, and devoted to my adorable pet bunnies, whose photos I tend to paste all over Facebook. I don't review books much here on GR, but I have catalogued my library on LibraryThing and enjoy talking about books both there and here, so don't be afraid to say hello. And if you want an occasional newsletter with info on upcoming books, freebies, and more, visit

“Good-bye, Pen Leland. If we meet again, maybe in London next season, you'll pardon me if I don't pursue an acquaintance with you. It's hard to chat about the weather when one's heart is breaking—”
Marissa Doyle
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“That was what the season was, after all- a marriage market for the offspring of the aristocracy.”
Marissa Doyle
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“Charles stepped forward, looking outraged. 'Him?' he cried. 'But I clobbered him! You can't marry him, Ally.”
Marissa Doyle
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