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Marissa Meyer

I live in Tacoma, Washington, with my husband and beautiful twin daughters. Represented by Jill Grinberg. Learn more about me and my upcoming books at

“Hey, I liked my idea of bringer her along, but you already vetoed that idea, so now I'm resorting to Plan B, which is to interrogate her. And I am really looking forward to it. I used to play a game called interrogation with one of my old girlfriends where we-""That's enough." Cinder raised her hand, silencing him.”
Marissa Meyer
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“Wolf," said Ran, enunciating it very carefully. "What an unusual name. Did your parents give it to you?""Does it matter?" said Wolf, tossing away his bone."I'm only making conversation.""I'd prefer silence," Wolf said, a growl in his tone.”
Marissa Meyer
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“If you were a gentleman, you would offer to buy me one as well.""If you were a lady, you would have waited for me to make the offer.”
Marissa Meyer
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“He gaped at the controls. "Why is my ship talking back to me?”
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“Thorne blinked at her, then down at the sewage he could barely make out in the darkness. "Don't you have some tool in that fancy hand of yours that can get us across?"Cinder glared, light-headed from her body's instinctively short breaths. "Oh, wow, how could I have forgotten about my grappling hook?”
Marissa Meyer
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“Cinder," Iko said after a few silent minutes of explorations. "I'm enormous.”
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“Scarlet and Wolf are saying gushy things in the galley," Iko said. "Normally I like gushy things, but its different when its real people. I prefer the net dramas.”
Marissa Meyer
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“Her mind emptied of everything but the gusting wind and how fragile Wolf looked in that heartbeat, like one movement could break him open.”
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“The better to eat you with, my dear.”
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“Oh, Grandmother, what terribly big teeth you have!”
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“Little Red was a tender young morsel, and the wolf knew she would be even tastier than the old woman.”
Marissa Meyer
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“She did not know that the wolf was a wicked sort of animal, and she was not afraid of him.”
Marissa Meyer
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“I think I realized that I would rather die because I betrayed them, than live because I betrayed you.”
Marissa Meyer
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“I think it was hiding a princess.”
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“A captain always knows where his ship is. It's like a psychic bond.”“If only we had a captain here.”
Marissa Meyer
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“A relieved grin filled up Thorne’s face. “We’re having another moment, aren’t we?”“If by a moment, you mean me not wanting to strangle you for the first time since we met, then I guess we are.”
Marissa Meyer
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“But her grandmother had never suggested she could think the same of Scarlet. You'll be fine, she always said, after a skinned knee, after a broken arm, after her first youthfull heartbreak. You'll be fine, because you're strong, like me.”
Marissa Meyer
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“Do you think she is?" Her voice trembled. Her heart throbbed as she waited for him to answer. "You think they've killed her?"Every moment wrapped around Scarlet's neck, strangling her, until the only possiblbe word from Wolf's mouth had to be yes. Yes, she was dead. Yes, she was gone. They'd murdered her. These monsters had murdered her.Scarlet pressed her palms into the crate, trying to push through the plastic. "Say it.""No," he murmured, shoulder sinking, "No, I don't think they've killed her. Not yet."Scarlet shivered with relief. She covered her face with both hands, dizzy with the hurricane of emotions. "Thank the stars," she whispered. "Thank you.”
Marissa Meyer
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“Keep your head in the clouds and your hands on the keyboard.”
Marissa Meyer
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“I'm not sure I would label it a 'survivor,'" said Iko, her sensor darkening with disgust. "It looks more like a rotting pumpkin.”
Marissa Meyer
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“Did you know that she was cyborg?” asked a woman in an unhidden tone of disgust.Kai stared at her, appearing confused, then let his gaze dance over the crowd. He shuffled his feetcloser to the podium, a wrinkle forming on the bridge of his nose.Cinder bit the inside of her cheek and braced herself for adamant disgust. Who would ever invite acyborg to the ball?But instead, Kai said simply, “I don’t see that her being cyborg is relevant. Next question?”Cinder’s metal fingers jolted.”
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“I don’t see that her being cyborg is relevant.”
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“Émilie. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.”
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“She sighed, annoyed at her restlessness. “So,” she said, disrupting Wolf in another backward glance.“Who would win in a fight—you or a pack of wolves?”He frowned at her, all seriousness. “Depends,” he said, slowly, like he was trying to figure out her motive for asking. “How big is the pack?”“I don’t know, what’s normal? Six?”“I could win against six,” he said. “Any more than that and it could be a close call.”Scarlet smirked. “You’re not in danger of low self-esteem, at least.”“What do you mean?”“Nothing at all.” She kicked a stone from their path. “How about you and … a lion?”“A cat? Don’t insult me.”She laughed, the sound sharp and surprising. “How about a bear?”“Why, do you see one out there?”“Not yet, but I want to be prepared in case I have to rescue you.”The smile she’d been waiting for warmed his face, a glint of white teeth flashing. “I’m not sure. I’ve never had to fight a bear before.”
Marissa Meyer
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“We met less than a week ago and in that time I've done nothing but lie and cheat and betray you. I know. But if you give me a chance...all I want is to protect you. To be near you. For as long as I'm able.”
Marissa Meyer
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“But you're the only one, Scarlet. You'll always be the only one.”
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“I knew they would kill me when they found out, but…” He struggled for words, releasing a sharp breath. “I think I realized that I would rather die because I betrayed them, than live because I betrayed you.”
Marissa Meyer
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“Sybil tells me your little festival is an annual occurrence," she said, the cadence of her voice swooning like a lullaby."Yes," Kai said, lifting a shrimp wonton between his chopsticks. "It falls on the ninth full moon if each year.""Ah, how lovely for you to base your holidays on the cycles of my planet."Kai wanted to scoff at the word planet but sucked it back down his throat.”
Marissa Meyer
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“The queen's eyes smouldered. "I know my own kind when I see them, and right now there is one in these city walls." She pointed a finger toward the balcony."I want her found and brought to me.""Right," said Kai,"that'll be no problem in a city of two and a half million people. Let me just go dig out my special Lunar detector, and I'll get right on that.”
Marissa Meyer
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“Right,' said Kai, 'that'll be no problem in a city of two and a half million people. Let me just go dig out my special Lunar detector, and I'll get right on that.”
Marissa Meyer
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“I mean it. I can't go alone. And I really can't go with Levana.""Well, there are about 200,000 single girls in this city who would fall over themselves to have the privilege."A hush passed between them..."Cinder."She couldn't help it. She looked at him..."200,000 single girls," he said. "Why not you?"Cyborg. Lunar. Mechanic. She was the last thing he wanted.She opened her lips, and the elevator stopped. "I'm sorry. But trust me---you don't want to go with me."The doors opened and the tension released her. She rushed out of the elevator, head down, trying to look at the small group of people waiting for the elevator."Come to the ball with me."She froze. Everyone in the hallway froze. Cinder turned back. Kai was still standing in elevator B one hand propping open the door.Her nerves frazzled, and all the emotions of the past hour were converging into a single sickening feeling---exasperation. The hall was filled with doctors, nurses, androids, officials, technicians, and they all fell into an awkward hush and stared at the prince and the girl in the baggy cargo pants he was flirting with.Flirting.Squaring her shoulders, she retreated back into the elevator and pushed him inside, not even caring that it was her metal hand. "Hold the elevator," he said to the android as the doors shut behind him. He smiled. "That got your attention.”
Marissa Meyer
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“The [elevator] doors opened and the tension released her. She rushed out of the elevator, head down, trying to look at the small group of people waiting for the elevator."Come to the ball with me."She froze. Everyone in the hallway froze. Cinder turned back. Kai was still standing in elevator B one hand propping open the door.Her nerves frazzled, and all the emotions of the past hour were converging into a single sickening feeling---exasperation. The hall was filled with doctors, nurses, androids, officials, technicians, and they all fell into an awkward hush and stared at the prince and the girl in the baggy cargo pants he was flirting with.Flirting.Squaring her shoulders, she retreated back into the elevator and pushed him inside, not even caring that it was her metal hand. "Hold the elevator," he said to the android as the doors shut behind him. He smiled. "That got your attention.”
Marissa Meyer
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“When Kai fell silent, she risked a glance at him. He was staring at her hands [which she always holds mechanic gloves over to hide know, cyborg hands]..."Do you ever take those off?" he asked."No."Kai tilted his head, peering at her as if he could see right through to the metal plate in her head..."I think you should go to the ball with me."She clutched her fingers..."Stars," she muttered. "Didn't you already asked me that?""I'm hoping for a more favorable answer this time and I seem to be getting more desperate by the minute.""How charming."Kai's lips twitched. "Please?""Why?""Why not?""I mean, why me?"Kai hooked his thumbs on his pockets. "So if my escape hover breaks down, I'll have someone to fix it?”
Marissa Meyer
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“The Snow White the midnight the moon tales of the mechanics”
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“The sahara desert the Rapunzel the charity the gifted tales.”
Marissa Meyer
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“I don't want to tell you how to be a prince, but shouldn't you have some bodyguards or something?""Bodyguards? Who would want to harm a charming guy like me?”
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“Why? Why don't you want to go with me?"She huffed. "It's not that I don't want to go with you, it's that I'm not going at all.""So you do want to go with me."Cinder locked her shoulders. "It doesn't matter. Because I can't.""But I need you.”
Marissa Meyer
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“He blinked. His eyes fell as he processed her response. Then he lifted his chin and attempted a grin that was almost painfully dejected. "No, it's all right. I understand."Dr. Erland leaned back against his desk. "My sincerest condolences, Your Highness. In more ways than one, it seems.”
Marissa Meyer
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“She raised her eyebrows in a look that she hoped conveyed how much she was all right with him leaving her. After all, he was a prince. The most powerful men and women on Earth had summoned him. She understood.And yet he was still here, with her."I'm fine," she said. "Go away.”
Marissa Meyer
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“You could move to Europe.""You know, I've actually been considering that lately."Kai laughed again, the warmth returning to the sound. "If that's not a vote of confidence, I don't know what is.”
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“Kai cleared his throat. Stood straighter. "I assume you are going to the ball?""I-I don't know. I mean, no. No, I'm sorry, I'm not going to the ball."Kai drew back, confused. "Oh well... but... maybe you would change your mind? Because I am, you know.""The prince.""Not bragging," he said quickly. "Just a fact.”
Marissa Meyer
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“The doctor brushed past her and gestured at the holographic image that jutted from the net-screen. "Let me tell you what is peculiar about it.""I'd say 36.28 percent of it is pretty peculiar”
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“She briefly wished she did have some sort of magic so she could shoot a bolt of lightning through his head.”
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“Prince Kai! Check my fan, I think I'm overheating.”
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“That you prefer to rule through fear rather than justice? So sorry, Your Majesty, I’m afraid I already knew that about you.”
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“Was it all in my head? A Lunar trick?”Her stomach twisted. “No.” She shook her head, fervently. How to explain that she hadn’t had the gift before? That she couldn’t have used it against him? “I would never lie—”The words faded. She had lied. Everything he knew about her had been a lie.“I’m so sorry,” she finished, the words falling lamely in the open air.Kai peeled his eyes away, finding some place of resignation off in the glistening garden. “You’re even more painful to look at than she is.”
Marissa Meyer
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“You have no idea how to dance, do you?” Cinder fixed her gaze on him, mind still reeling. “I’m a mechanic.”
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“El corte que se había hecho anteriormente para extraer el chip de identidad de modo que no pudieran localizarla todavía no se había cerrado. Esta vez no vaciló. Pronto, todo el mundo buscaría a Linh Cinder. Una ciborg deforme a la que le faltaba un pie. Una lunar con una identidad robada. Una mecánica sin nadie a quien acudir, sin un sitio a donde ir. Pero solo buscarían un fantasma.”
Marissa Meyer
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“—Esta joven parece creer que la amáis y esta es vuestra oportunidad de demostrárselo. —Parpadeó con coquetería—. Así que, decidme, Su Majestad, ¿estáis dispuesto a negociar con ella?—¿Negociar? —dijo Kai—. ¿Por su vida? —Bienvenido al mundo real de la política.”
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“—Imagina que existiera una cura —le susurró Kai al oído en vez de besarla—, pero tuvieras que pagar un precio tan alto por su descubrimiento que te arruinara la vida por completo. ¿Qué harías?”
Marissa Meyer
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