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Mark D. Sanders

“what is hope?to want? to desire?to expect that what's envisionedmay indeed happen?YES to all of the hope that gut feeling that it'sworth holding outand hanging on for just a little longer? hope the core of the human condition?CERTAINLY.can you have hope withoutfaith and humility and wonder?THAT'S TOUGH.just the thought that there's something bigger,something truer, something totally surprisingout there waiting for us is...priceless.what would you be without hopegrowing deep in your bones,thriving in every inch of you?NOTHING.”
Mark D. Sanders
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“Hope takes never ceasingto be amazed...wearingyour soul on your sleeve...holdingyour breath, waiting to hear"i love you, too..."believingthat tomorrow could be better than today...that you'll get a second chance...that you'll make a difference...that you matter.”
Mark D. Sanders
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“how many times have my wishes and my dreams and my prayers for you hidden beneath my breath? how many times have i looked at you, heart in my throat, hands in my pockets, smile on my face, just wanting to say...”
Mark D. Sanders
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“wait... promise me one more thing: if tomorrow you wake up feeling unoriginal or frail-hearted or faithless or tired of this world please pick up this book and start back at page one.”
Mark D. Sanders
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“Love, love, have to ove, and if you don't get love right, you have to move on and forgive.”
Mark D. Sanders
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“A promise is all about faith. a promise is only as strong as your own faith in yourself, in your own god. so when you swear, in light of your strengths and in spite of your weaknesses, to struggle and follow through, you are doing a beautiful thing. ”
Mark D. Sanders
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“t does it take to hope? everything.”
Mark D. Sanders
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