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Marshall Berman

Marshall Berman (born 1940, The Bronx, New York City) is an American philosopher and Marxist Humanist writer. He is currently Distinguished Professor of Political Science at The City College of New York and at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, teaching Political Philosophy and Urbanism.

An alumnus of Columbia University, Berman completed his Ph.D. at Harvard University in 1968. He is on the editorial board of Dissent and a regular contributor to The Nation, The New York Times Book Review, Bennington Review, New Left Review, New Politics and the Village Voice Literary Supplement.

His major work is All That Is Solid Melts Into Air: The Experience Of Modernity. His most recent publication is the anthology, New York Calling: From Blackout To Bloomberg, for which he was co-editor, with Brian Berger, and also wrote the introductory essay. In Adventures in Marxism, Berman tells of how while a Columbia University student in 1959, the chance discovery of Karl Marx's Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 proved a revelation and inspiration, and became the foundation for all his future work. This personal tone pervades his work, linking historical trends with individual observations and inflections from the situation.


* The Politics of Authenticity: Radical Individualism and the Emergence of Modern Society (1970)

* All That Is Solid Melts Into Air: The Experience of Modernity (1982)

* Adventures in Marxism (1999)

* On the Town: One Hundred Years of Spectacle in Times Square (2006)

* New York Calling: From Blackout to Bloomberg (2007), edited by Marshall Berman and Brian Berger.

“har anche sakht va ostovar ast dood mishavad va be hava miravad.”
Marshall Berman
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