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Marta Russell

Marta Russell (December 20, 1951 – December 15, 2013) was an American writer and disability rights activist. Her book, Beyond Ramps: Disability at the End of the Social Contract published in 1998 by Common Courage Press analyzes the relationship between disability, social Darwinism, and economic austerity under capitalism. Her political views, which she described as "left, not liberal," informed her writing on topics such as healthcare, the prison-industrial complex, physician-assisted suicide, poverty, ableism, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

“There is no Death with Dignity when people choose to die because health care economics and the social services system prevent life with dignity.”
Marta Russell
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“People with [Chronic Fatigue] who kill themselves are the millenium's favorite type of disabled citizens-- those who will walk quietly among the healthy, then quietly dispose of themselves. ”
Marta Russell
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