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Marti Kheel

Marti Kheel is a prominent writer and activist in the areas of ecofeminism, animal advocacy, and environmental ethics. Her articles have been widely published in journals and anthologies both within the United States and abroad. She co-founded Feminists for Animal Rights in 1982 and holds a doctorate from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, where she is currently a visiting scholar. To learn more about Nature Ethics, upcoming speaking engagements, and other news, visit my website,"

“The practice of invoking the myths and cultural practices of native cultures to give moral support to practices within our current culture is an increasingly common phenomenon. Thus, many people cite the example of native cultures to defend their habit of meat-eating. The act of wrenching a narrative out of the context of one culture and grafting it onto another is not only disrespectful and self-serving, it is an act of violence in its own right.”
Marti Kheel
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