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“Someone I flattered in a book pretends he owes me nothing. Oh the trash I have for friends.- Martial (40 AD - 104 AD), Epigram V, xxxvi”
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“Because he hates to praise by nameHe praises everybody. ViceAnd virtue must look much the same To one who calls the whole world "nice".”
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“Flaccus, the sort of girl I hateIs the scrawny one, with arms so thinMy rings would fit them, hips that grate,Spine like a saw, knees like a pinAnd a coccyx like a javelin.But all the same I don't go inFor sheer bulk. I appreciateGood meat, not blubber, on my plate.”
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“Your page stands against you and says to you that you are a thief.”
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“terrarum dominum pone supercilium”
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“You ask what a nice girl will do? She won't give an inch,but she won't say no.”
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“You're obstinate, pliant, merry, morose, all at once. For me there's no living with you, or without you.”
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