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Martin Cizmar

“You can still enjoy everything that plumped you up -- you just need to do it in moderation and mix in more activities.”
Martin Cizmar
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“The goal is something like personal sustainability. I hate to use that word, but it's the one that makes the most sense. Eat what you can eat without getting fat. It's easy to do that once you've unlocked the secrets of how your body uses what you put into it.”
Martin Cizmar
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“Sure, it's a cliche -- "All things are good in moderation" -- but that doesn't make that Aristotelian concept any less true for dieters.”
Martin Cizmar
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“Whatever the reason, if you've been overweight, studies show that your body tends to stimulate your appetite more than the body of someone who's always been thin, and it simultaneously signals the body to protect fat stores. In other words, your bastard subconscious and those stupid fucking glands are conspiring against you.”
Martin Cizmar
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“Chubster is all for using hard science established through decades of serious study conducted by the world's experts in their respective fields -- with a few snarky jokes to keep things palatable.”
Martin Cizmar
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“The science of dieting is in the calories; the art of dieting is in what they come from.”
Martin Cizmar
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“This chapter is about the dieter's philosophy of food, and it will repeat a lot of things you've heard before. However, you've heard them before because they make sense, and you're still fat because you ignored them. Now is the time to change that.”
Martin Cizmar
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“You've got it pretty damned easy, kiddo. If ever you should find yourself complaining about the task of looking up the calories in a restaurant food online and logging it into the electronic device in the palm of your hand, I want you to picture your grandfather silently shaking his head in disgust, ashamed at how lazy and stupid his progeny has become.”
Martin Cizmar
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“Fatness is a byproduct of the leisurely life your hard-working ancestors and the greatest minds of the Western world have been working to create for millennia They wanted you to have a life of plenty, a life without backbreaking work. Your great-great-great-grandfather would weep with joy at the sight of you half-conscious on a couch, having just shoveled a pile of fried noodles straight out of the takeout carton into your mouth after a busy day organizing the office's fantasy football league Surely my descendant has become a king!”
Martin Cizmar
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