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Martin Cosgrove

Martin Cosgrove was born in the North West of England in 1980. He is a secondary school teacher and author of 'The Destiny of Ethan King', 'KARA', 'Pembleton, PhD' and the upcoming science fiction adventure novel 'Curiosity'.

“Death is a concept for fatalists and fools. And dead people.”
Martin Cosgrove
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“Wandering alone in the barrenness of foolishness, I hear the drip-drip of Wisdom and smile.”
Martin Cosgrove
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“Playfulness: that infantile quality we sneer at whilst busying ourselves with intellect and seriousness. And misery.”
Martin Cosgrove
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“I am ripe. Ripe enough to hear your Truth. But shout it for one ear remains deaf.”
Martin Cosgrove
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“Tis silence out of which all things arise and to silence all shall return.”
Martin Cosgrove
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“The Source is plain for all to see, but not with the eyes of the mind, for they are blinded to Truth.”
Martin Cosgrove
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“In the bustling of the cities, forever surrounded by people and their chatter, we stand alone; an island of humanity. Build your raft, that you may drift into the heart and make real contact.”
Martin Cosgrove
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“I dip my toe into the ocean of Joy and quickly withdraw it, afraid of the sea creatures of the mind.”
Martin Cosgrove
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“For the length of time it takes to write a book, you need to believe that you’re the only writer in existence; the only one who matters. You need to shut yourself away and allow the creativity to build up, not leak out through worry and comparisons and doubt.”
Martin Cosgrove
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“When the right elements combine, anything is possible.”
Martin Cosgrove
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