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Masashi Kishimoto

Masashi Kishimoto (岸本 斉史 Kishimoto Masashi) is a Japanese manga artist, well known for creating the manga series Naruto. His younger twin brother, Seishi Kishimoto, is also a manga artist and creator of the manga series O-Parts Hunter (666 Satan) and Blazer Drive. Two of his former assistants, Osamu Kajisa (Tattoo Hearts) and Yuuichi Itakura (Hand's), have also gone on to moderate success following their work on Naruto.

Kishimoto's first work as a manga artist was Karakuri (カラクリ?), which he submitted to Shueisha in 1995. This earned him the Weekly Shōnen Jump's monthly "Hop Step Award" in 1996, granted to promising new manga artists. This was followed in 1997 by a pilot version of Naruto (NARUTO-ナルト-), published in Akamaru Jump Summer. In 1998, Kishimoto premiered as a Weekly Shōnen Jump artist with a serialized version of Karakuri in Weekly Shōnen Jump, but it proved unpopular and was canceled soon after. In 1999, a serialized version of Naruto began publication in Weekly Shōnen Jump and quickly became a hit.

“The moment people come to know love, they run the risk of carrying hate.”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“In this world, whenever there is light, there are also shadows. As long as the concept of winners exist, there must also be losers. The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes wars and hatred is born to protect love.”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“To know what is right and choose to ignore it is the act of a coward.”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“We don't know what kind of people we truly are until the moment before our deaths. As death comes to embrace you, you will realize what you are. That's what death is, don't you think?”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“You were the leaves, basking in the sunlight.I was the root, growing in the darkness~Danzo”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“Hidan: Hey, look at that, it's my headband! You went to the trouble of picking it up and keeping for me? I'm touched. You're a pretty nice guy, Kakuzu, you knwo that?Kakuzu: Shut up. Let's go.Hidan: Let me put it on at least! Okay, I'm coming. Admit it, you like me a little, doncha?Kakuzu: Either you shut up, or I'll kill you.Hidan: Haha, you're embarrassed! I understand.”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“A scary but yet beautiful smile”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“Every human being relies on and is bounded by his knowledge and experience to live. This is what we call “reality”. However, knowledge and experience are ambiguous, thus reality can become illusion. Is it not possible to think that, all human beings are living in their assumptions?”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“Someone with inborn talent isn't happy. It's those who have worked hard for someone precious to them and who can be hot-blooded that are happy."-Gai Sensei: Naruto Episode 196”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“forgive yourself for what you aren't able to do,the ones who aren't able to acknowledge their ownselves are bound to fail”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“Faster than the devil *times* Sharper than wind! That's the ultimate law of the hero!!”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“Art is an explosion.”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“It is fine to imitate a being you respect, but you cannot become that very being. Imitation is something one does to grow and develop. It is not something you use to deceive yourself. You absorb in yourself the things you think have some kind of value, but even if you try to find the meaning about your true self you will not find anything. Because those who cannot accept their real self always fail.”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“Those who forgive themselves and are able to accept their real nature, they are the strong ones.”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“If being smart is what you say it is, I will remain a fool my entire life.”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“Sasuke: Snakes can sense things through temperature, and they can also do it with their sense of smell by passing the smell in the mouth."Itachi: You've learnt a lot...Dr. Snakes”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“Kabuto: It's always easier said than done. I just said that this jutsu had no weaknesses or risk...Itachi: Every jutsu has its weakness. This jutsu's weakness and risk is...the existence of me!”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“Being hurt inevitably breeds feelings of hatred towards your attacker. But when we hurt others, we have to deal with their hatred for us, and our own feelings of guilt. Knowing what it feels like to be hurt is exactly why we try to be kind to others. That’s what makes us humans.”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“A smile is the best way to get away with trouble even if it’s a fake one.”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“When a person dies, he disappears, along with his past, current lifestyle, and his future. Many people die in missions and wars. They die easily and in surprisingly simple ways. Hayate was one of them. Those who died had hopes and dreams, but everyone has something as important as those: parents, siblings, friends, lovers; people who are important to you, they trust and help each other. The bond between the people important to you ever since birth and the string that binds them becomes thicker and stronger as time goes by... It's beyond reason. Those bound to you by that string will do that because it is important.”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“...Every single one of us goes through life depending on and bound by our individual knowledge and awareness. And we call it reality. However, both knowledge and awareness are equivocal. One's reality might be another's illusion. We all live inside our own fantasies, don't you think?”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“If you don't like the hand that fate's dealt you, fight for a new one.”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“I'm Kakashi Hatake. Things I like and things I hate… I don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future… never really thought about it. As for my hobbies… I have lots of hobbies.”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“When I look up to the sky between the narrow roofs, it reminds me of you, the one who is far, far away.”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“There's no advantage to hurrying through life." -Shikamaru Nara”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“All things that have form eventually decay." -Orochimaru”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“Naruto: BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“Let his herald your end,and begone with the thundder clap.”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“For those who don't believe in themselves, hardwork is worthless." -Maito Gai (Naruto)”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“I'm just being selfish..... I'm here on my own free will... I used to always cry and give up... I nearly went the wrong way... But you... You showed me the right way... I was always chasing you... Wanting to overtake you... I just wanted to walk with you... I wanted to be with you... You changed me! Your smile saved me! So I'm not afraid to die protecting you!!! Because I-- Love You...”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“No, you don't get it, thats why I'm telling you. You think you get it, which isn't the same as actually getting it. Get it? (Kakashi)”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“The next generation will always surpass the previous one. It's one of the never-ending cycles in life.”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“If you want to kill me, despise me, hate me, and live in an unsightly way... Run, and cling to life, and then some day, when you have the same eyes as I do, come before me”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“You said you want to became Hokage. I have become the Kazekage. If you are willing to bear the name Kage, you have to do what you must do.”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“One day you will be the one called Master (Naruto). You'll be the one to treat others to ramen. We can't stay kids forever."- Shikamaru Nara (Naruto)”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“The difference between insanity and genius is measured only by success and failure.”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“It’s foolish to fear what we’ve yet to see and know.”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“That is a considerable amount of puppets. But ... [Proceeds to summon one hundred puppets of his own] With this, I took down a whole country”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“Fine art is something wonderful that's left long into the future ... eternal beauty.”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“The weaker you are the louder you bark.-Tenten”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“Sakura: Never figured you for the artistic type.Sai: Looks can be decieving.”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“That's my Shinobi Way”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“Then when I saw Pain attack Hinata, I was so mad, so full of rage, I let the Nine-Tails take over without even thinking about it.”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“Looks can be decieving”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“Give up trying to make me give up”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“I just want to protect them no matter how much pain befalls me.”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“What a drag”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“Sasori, your strength came because of your soul, not in spite of it... You were supposed to be a a top-class ninja puppeteer, not a worthless nobody who lets someone else pull the strings. - Kankurou (Naruto Ch 518)”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“I think of you as a friend. I used to think "friend" was just another word... Nothing more, nothing less. But when I met you, I realized what was important was the word's meaning.”
Masashi Kishimoto
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“When did you throw yourselves away?”
Masashi Kishimoto
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