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Massimo Marino

Massimo Marino is an author with Booktrope Publishing LCC, an Active Member of SFWA— the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America association—and member of the CODEX group—

He is the Author of multi-awarded Daimones Trilogy: Daimones, Once Humans, The Rise of the Phoenix: The Daimones Trilogy, Vol. 3

Currently writing "The Law" - a YA Urban SF novel.

He's a scientist envisioning science fiction. He spent years at CERN and The Lawrence Berkeley Lab followed by lead positions with Apple, Inc. and the World Economic Forum. In December 2013 he co-founded "SquaresonBlue",, a consultant service company on Big Data and Analytics.

Co-founder of BookGarage -

the ultimate ecosystem for assisted self-publishing. It’s a place where committed authors, top-notch freelancers and selective readers come together to create and enjoy exceptional books.

Massimo currently lives in France and crosses the border with Switzerland mutlitple times daily. But, no, he is not a smuggler...he plays golf.

With family, he lived on both sides of the Ocean Pond and they speak three languages at home, sometimes in the very same sentence even! They feel home where loved ones and friends are and have friends in Italy, Spain, France, UK, Switzerland, Germany and the US.

"Daimones" is based on personal experience and facts with an added "what if" to provide an explanation to current and past events. It is his first novel.

If interested in more details about Massimo Marino, please see his full profile on Linkedin:

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“Never write anything that does not move you or give you pleasure. Emotion is then transferred from the writer to the reader.”
Massimo Marino
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“Nothing can stop a one-step-at-a-time journey. Nothing!”
Massimo Marino
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“When the Universe is taken into account, nothing is impossible.”
Massimo Marino
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