Mateiu I. Caragiale photo

Mateiu I. Caragiale

Mateiu Ion Caragiale (Romanian: [maˈtej iˈon karaˈd͡ʒjale]) was a Romanian poet and prose writer, best known for his novel Craii de Curtea-Veche, which portrays the milieu of boyar descendants before and after World War I. Caragiale's style, associated with Symbolism, the Decadent movement of the fin de siècle, and early modernism, was an original element in the Romanian literature of the interwar period. In other late contributions, Caragiale pioneered detective fiction locally, but there is disagreement over whether his work in the field produced a complete narrative or just fragments. The scarcity of writings he left is contrasted by their critical acclaim and a large, mostly posthumous, following, commonly known as mateists.

Also known as an amateur heraldist and graphic artist, the young Caragiale published his works sporadically, seeking instead to impose himself in politics and pursuing a career in the civil service. He was associated with the Conservative-Democratic Party, and then the People's League, and ultimately raised controversy by supporting the Central Powers during their occupation of Romania. He afterwards focused on literature, and, during the late 1920s and early 1930s, published most of his prose texts in the magazine Gândirea.

The illegitimate and rebellious child of influential playwright Ion Luca Caragiale, he was the half-brother of Luca I. Caragiale, an avant-garde poet who died in 1921, and the posthumous son-in-law of author Gheorghe Sion. Mateiu Caragiale was loosely affiliated with Romanian Symbolism, a figure noted for his dandyism, eccentricity and Bohemianism, and, for much of his life, a regular presence in the intellectual circle formed around Casa Capşa restaurant. His associates included the controversial political figure Alexandru Bogdan-Piteşti, cultural animator Mărgărita Miller Verghy, and poet Ion Barbu, who was also one of his most dedicated promoters.

“Nu-mi închipui să se afle mulţi oameni pe cari viaţa şi vârsta să-i fi schimbat atât de puţin cât pe mine. Până la moarte voi rămâne acelaşi: un visător nepocăit, pururi atras de ce e îndepărtat şi tainic.”
Mateiu I. Caragiale
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“Cu încetul, la evocarea lor se deşteptase în mine un suflet nou, un suflet de nomad cu nostalgii sfâşietoare, mă încindea dorul de ducă, mă înfrigura ispita plecărilor spre necunoscut, fermecul îndepărtatelor pribegiri şi, la gândul că aş rămâne până la capăt robul unui petec de pământ, osândit a mă frământa şi istovi fără mulţumire într-un ocol restrâns, sufeream cumplit, mă simţeam abătut până la deznădejde.”
Mateiu I. Caragiale
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“Sunt fiinţe cari prin câte ceva, uneori fără a şti ce anume, deşteaptă în noi o vie curiozitate, aţâţându-ne închipuirea să făurească asupra-le mici romane.”
Mateiu I. Caragiale
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“Îţi va părea ciudat, am urmat, dar, după mine, unei istorii, frumuseţea îi stă numai în partea ei de taină; dacă i-o dezvălui, găsesc că îşi pierde tot farmecul.”
Mateiu I. Caragiale
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“Sunt vise ce parcă le-am trăit cândva şi undeva, precum sunt lucruri vieţuite despre care ne întrebăm dacă n-au fost vis.”
Mateiu I. Caragiale
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