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Matt Dunn

Matt was born in Margate, but eventually escaped to Spain to write his first novel (in between working as a newspaper columnist, and playing a lot of tennis). Previously he has been a professional lifeguard, fitness equipment salesman, and an IT head hunter, but he prefers writing for a living, so hopes people will keep buying his books.

Matt is the author of four contemporary romantic comedy novels; Best Man, The Ex-Boyfriend's Handbook (which was shortlisted for both the Romantic Novel Of The Year award, as well as the Melissa Nathan Award for Comedy Romance), From Here To Paternity, and Ex-Girlfriends United. He's also written about life, love, and relationships for various publications including The Times, Guardian, Cosmopolitan, Company, Elle, Glamour, and The Sun.

Several of Matt's novels have been translated for various European markets (he's big in the Balkans, apparently), as well as as far afield as Malaysia and Indonesia. He's a regular on the literary festival scene, and rates the recent lecturing stint he did on the Creative Writing degree course at London Metropolitan University as one of the most rewarding things he's ever done - and not only because of the number of ideas he was able to appropriate from his students for his books.

“All I'm saying is, where relationships are concerned, don't confuse length with strength.”
Matt Dunn
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“A relationship needs constant attention. It’s a living thing, not just a habit. You’ve got to keep on top of it.”
Matt Dunn
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“All a woman actually wants is to feel special.”
Matt Dunn
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“Look at your eyes. You've got bigger bags than Louis Vuitton.”
Matt Dunn
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“When someone loves you, there's nothing they won't do for you. When they stop loving you, there's nothing they will.”
Matt Dunn
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“Because that's what unfaithfulness is, isn't it? A cancer that's always there in the back of your mind, eating away at the foundations of the relationship.”
Matt Dunn
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“Dan, rabbits who've been fed oysters laced with Viagra don't like sex as much as you do.”
Matt Dunn
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