He writes under the names of Matthew A. Petti and Matthew August Petti (Heretical Wisdom: The Truths from Within).
“Knowlede is power and Absolute Knowledge is Absolute Power or the Power of Truth, which is constantly shaping events and circumstances to reveal the errors in our beliefs.”
“The Truth is always trying to reveal itslef to us in our physical world.”
“Mysteries are the evidence to errors in our religious and historical precepts.”
“The stars and planets do not guide us. Instead, they are guided by the core of our being and reflect our physical moment in time.”
“The world will not change by our position in the Universe. Actions change when beliefs change; collective actions and beliefs change the world.”
“Only the sixth sense can expose what the other five have hidden.”
“Many hidden truths are often unobserved, not invisible.”
“The inseparable bond between past and future is the cause and effect of our collective beliefs and the choices influenced by them.”