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Maurice Makalu

Maurice Makalu is a Spiritual Teacher and author of two books: Resident Power – Power to Change, and The Goddess Who Lost her Weight – Inspiration For Enlightenment With Abundance, A Spiritual Guide To weight Loss. His third book, The God Man – An Ideological ‘Clean Up’ Of Religion, is at final editing stage.

Maurice was born in Zambia and received his spiritual formation at St Charles Lwanga Bahati Minor Seminary. He graduated with a Bachelor of Accountancy from the Copperbelt University and worked as a banker, finance manager and set up a private business consultancy practice. At the age of thirty-one a profound spiritual experience started a journey that changed the course of his entire life. He spent the next few years writing down thoughts that kept ‘flooding in,’ which thoughts caused a profound inner transformation and evolved into several books. He lives in Lusaka, Zambia.

Maurice teaches how to live An INSPIRED Life – a life of enlightenment with abundance. His teaching rests on returning people to their nature, which is Spirit. He refers to this as ‘finding God within.’ This consists of people awakening to the truth that the God they seek to find in heaven when they die, is already within them as His Spirit – the Sacred Self – that He breathed into man at creation; this is the Kingdom of God within you, which you must seek first to have real meaning and success in life.

“The problem is not that you have problems; the problem is that you see having problems as a problem.”
Maurice Makalu
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