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Max Griffin

Max writes horror and science fiction stories, often with a dark twist. John Gardner's The Art of Fiction is the single most important influence on his thinking about the craft of writing. Authors as diverse as John Updike, Dean Koontz, Richard Matheson, and Lawrence Block inspire and inform his literary style.

Max Griffin is the pen name of a mathematician and academic. Under his professional name, he is the author of a graduate textbook in real analysis and numerous research articles in nonlinear functional analysis. He is currently retired from positions at a major comprehensive university in the southwest. He is the proud parent of a daughter who is a librarian, and the grandparent to two beautiful little boys. He is blessed to be in a long-term relationship with his life partner, Mr. Gene, who is an expert knitter.

The two humans in Max's household are the pets of two Russian Blue cats, Boris and Natasha. .

“It was as though all the angels of heaven and all the demons of hell danced together in his soul.”
Max Griffin
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