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Meagan McKinney

“Alana, You once told me there'd come a day when I would regret making you marry me. I do regret it now, Alana, with all my heart. For tonight I've seen the joy on a willing bride's face, and I regret that I was never able to see that on yours. I mourn the sorrow I now understand that I've brought to you, but if you leave me, I'll mourn my ow sorrow at losing you infinitely more. Let these words assure you that in this world of injustice, God's sword is ruthless upon the wicked. If I lose you, one man, THIS man, got what he deserved. Trevor”
Meagan McKinney
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“The music touched her, haunted her, because it was so beautiful and because she had never waltzed to it in her true love's arms. And never would.”
Meagan McKinney
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“Anyone who braves the world sooner or later feels the consequences of it. —Lady Elizabeth Melbourne”
Meagan McKinney
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