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Meg Pokrass

MEG POKRASS is the author of "Bird Envy" (bestseller at the Harvard Bookstore, April, 2014) "Here, Where We Live" a novella-in-flash (Rose Metal Press, 2014) and "Damn Sure Right (Press 53, 2011) about which Frederick Barthelme said "Meg Pokrass writes like a brain looking for a body. Wonderful, dark, unforgiving."

Her stories appear in over 200 literary journals and continue to be widely anthologized, most recently in "Flash Fiction International" (W.W.Norton, 2015).

Pokrass' publications include Green Mountains Review, McSweeney's, Green Mountains Review, The Rumpus, PANK, Smokelong Quarterly, Mississippi Review, MidAmerican Review, NANO Fiction, 100-Word Story, The Literarian, storySouth, Failbetter, Gigantic. Meg's humor pieces, co-written with author Bobbie Ann Mason, have recently been showcased in TNB Original Fiction.

She is a multiple Pushcart nominee and her stories have been showcased for Dzanc Books’ Short Story Month and nominated for Best of the Web, Best of the Net, and Wigleaf’s Top 50 [Very] Short Fictions. Meg currently serves as an associate editor for Frederick Barthelme’s New World Writing.

“god i just broke so many new year's resolutions.”
Meg Pokrass
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