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Megan Crewe

Like many authors, Megan Crewe finds writing about herself much more difficult than making things up. A few definite facts: she lives in Toronto, Canada with her husband and son (and does on occasion say "eh"), she tutors children and teens with special needs, and she's spent the last six years studying kung fu, so you should probably be nice to her. She has been making up stories about magic and spirits and other what ifs since before she knew how to write words on paper. These days the stories are just a lot longer.

Megan's first novel, GIVE UP THE GHOST, was shortlisted for the Sunburst Award for Canadian Literature of the Fantastic. Her second, THE WAY WE FALL, was nominated for the White Pine Award and made the International Reading Association Young Adults' Choices List. Her Fallen World trilogy (THE WAY WE FALL, THE LIVES WE LOST, THE WORLDS WE MAKE) is now complete and she has a new trilogy forthcoming in October 2014, beginning with EARTH & SKY. Her books have been published in translation in several countries around the world. She has also published short stories in magazines such as On Spec and Brutarian Quarterly.

“Our virus is a lot smarter than the ones you see in zombie movies. It doesn't make its victims stagger around slobbering and moaning so anyone in their right minds would run the other way. It gets you cozying up to people so you cough and sneeze it right into their faces. We just need the vaccine. Then we'll be okay.”
Megan Crewe
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“Spoilers followI started reading the third act of Hamlet, and I got about two pages in when I realized there's no point.I am never going back to school.I am never going to the university.I am never going to watch wolves stalk through the northern forests or elephants graze on the savanna. I am never going to have sex or get married or raise a family. I'm never going to have a first apartment, a first house, a first car. I'm never”
Megan Crewe
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“Todos nos encontramos ante un acantilado y para sobrevivir no se trata de ser el mejor ni el más listo. Se trata de perseverar tanto tiempo como podamos, de intentarlo, equivocarnos y volverlo a intentar, hasta estar un centímetro más cerca de superar la situación”
Megan Crewe
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“Porque a mí no habría podido salvarme. Si me tengo que salvar lo haré yo misma. Creo que puedo hacerlo.”
Megan Crewe
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“Al verlo en el vestíbulo, calzándose las botas, he notado un intenso pinchazo en el pecho. Porque hablaba en serio. Iba a volver las veces que hiciera falta. Como si yo fuera... alguien por quien mereciera la pena correr ese riesgo.”
Megan Crewe
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“Aunque creo que ellos también están enfermos: enfermos de miedo, enfermos de egoísmo. ¿Cómo pueden hacer las cosas que hacen sin odiarse a sí mismos?”
Megan Crewe
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“Most people think the scariest thing is knowing that you’re going to die. It’s not. It’s knowing you might have to watch every single person you’ve ever loved – or even liked – waste away while you just stand there.”
Megan Crewe
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“This is what we do. We make tea and read books and watch people die.”
Megan Crewe
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“I had the feeling deep in my gut that there'd been lines I should have spoken, gestures I should have made, that would have made things better. But looking back, I didn't know what they were. As a friend, I was pretty much useless, apparently.”
Megan Crewe
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“You see? This is why you don't get mixed up in people's lives. Because the living are messy and complicated, and things end up going to hell one way or another, every time.”
Megan Crewe
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“You learn a lot when you know no one else is going to do things for you.”
Megan Crewe
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“For a guy who claimed not to be a stalker he sure knows the tricks of the trade.Give up the Ghost”
Megan Crewe
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