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Melanie Fair

“Tammy, werewulves act in ways that are pleasing only to themselves. They behave without a conscious... They are sick monsters who have permanently lost their self-control. Their intentions and motivations are never clear; they slaughter flocks and herds yet eat nothing. They are the quintessence of evil, hence the title “demon”. And who really wants demons around?”
Melanie Fair
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“Tammy, I hunt mythical monsters for a living. Try me.”
Melanie Fair
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“Where the frick are you?! I’ve been frickin’ driving all frickin’ around this stupid frickin’ city all frickin’ day trying to find the frickin’ hotel because apparently frickin’ Emily doesn’t know where the frick it is either.”
Melanie Fair
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“No one told me holy water had chlorine in it.”
Melanie Fair
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“Yeah, apparently this chick didn’t know-“ He held up a hand.“Thank you, but I came to hear your story, not theirs,” he took a bite, chewing and swallowing, “You see, stories are endless; there is always something before the beginning and after the end. They can branch off and follow any character. But because we ourselves can’t see the whole story, we have to cut it up into novellas. You see?”
Melanie Fair
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