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Melanie Jacobson

“You're free to make your own choices, and you're free to pay the consequences.”
Melanie Jacobson
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“Here's an exclusive, Tanner Graham. I love you like crazy.""My favorite kind of story," he said. "I already know how this one ends.""How?""Happily ever after.”
Melanie Jacobson
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“No," he said, leaning back to take my face in his hands and dropping another soft kiss on my lips. "All I've wanted since you limped out of my life the first day I met you was to have you back in it. Does that scare you?"I stood on tiptoe to return his kiss. "Not even a little bit. Thank you, Tanner Graham."He smiled. "For what?""For being patient. I'll make it worth it.""You've always been worth it," he said punctuating his opinion with another kiss...Tanner smiled down at me, tightening his hold. "Thank you.""For what?""for being you. I love you, Pepper.”
Melanie Jacobson
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“But the change was in the tiny fraction of space that Tanner closed between us, when his mouth touched mine and the gentle brush of his lips drew a sigh from me I didn't know I was holding. He smiled against my mouth and then kissed me again.”
Melanie Jacobson
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