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Melissa Andrea

I find it hard to sum up my life in a paragraph, but I'll try.

Reading has always been a passion for me and writing is as instinctive as breathing. Every inhale is an idea; every exhale a creation. Flutter, The Discover Series was my debut release and since then I have written a contemporary romance, The Edge of Darkness. The only thing I do better than writing? Making beautiful, sassy and independent, girls. My daughters will always be my greatest accomplishment, my biggest fans and my every inspiration. I live, breath and would die for them! I've been married to one of the greatest men in my life for 7 years and I love him more than chocolate (you know shit just got real :), Justin Timberlake and Friday's. Without him my website would be a mess and I would probably be paying more taxes than I should. He is a jack of many trades and this is just my opinion but I like to think besides my daughters, I'm his second biggest accomplishment. (Does anyone else hear a horn tooting?)

I was born in Denver, Colorado -but I will always think of sunny Arizona as my home. I don't have a big family, but I'm close with my sister, brother & my mom. My mom is my hero, my inspiration, and I couldn't have asked for a more amazing person to be raised by. She has supported me throughout this crazy adventure and I'm lucky to have her on my side!

6 things you should know about me:

1. I'm a tornado with lipstick! Translation: I'm very girly, but I can get down and dirty with the best of them.

2. I adore the color pink!

3. I love things that sparkle (including vampires!)

4. I like even numbers (hence 6 things about me, not 5)

5. I'm loyal to a fault but I like to see the good in everybody. Don't mistake my kindness for weakness though because my bark is not always bigger than my bite :))

6. I don't like calling readers 'fans'. When it come down to it, I am all YOUR biggest fan! MWAH!

I will never be able to thank every reader, every blogger or every author who has helped me in one or a million ways since I published but I will try every chance I get. Y'all are the reason I am here and every comment, every message, every review makes me feel like I have a reason to be. So to the moon and back, THANK YOU!

Okay, so this was a little longer than a paragraph.

“Now I escort the last of the customers out, close the store and go home to my bed, I’m beat.” I walked over to the door and flipped the sign.“Is that an invitation?”
Melissa Andrea
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“The silkiness of his voice was a torturous caress that I could have endured for the rest of my life.”
Melissa Andrea
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“it was like trying to see a shadow in the dark.”
Melissa Andrea
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