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Melissa St. Hilaire

Melissa St. Hilaire was born and raised in rural Massachusetts. She studied film at Boston College, fell in love in New York and moved to Los Angeles to chase her dreams. She wrote film and music reviews for The Heights Inc. Her poetry has appeared in the periodicals Shards, The Outer Fringe, and The Laughing Medusa. She co-authored several scripts for Tone-East Productions. She has written articles for Feminine Power Circle, Savvy Authors, SF Signal, and The Qwillery. She has also appeared in the anthology book, Folk Horror Revival: Field Studies. Her debut book was a memoir titled In The Now. She co-wrote the dark fantasy series, Saurimonde, and co-hosts the weird news podcast, Between The Sheets. Her current project is a sci-fi epic called Xodus.

“I am too much alien and not enough monkey to fit in here.”
Melissa St. Hilaire
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